MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Found out she was fired on social media

Found out she was fired on social media

Now that is chickenshit. No picked picked up a phone or spoke to her. She found out the same way we did....


Someone asked lucasfilm for a statement about Carano and they were told the facts. That Carano was not currently a lucasfilm employee. Mandalorian S2 finished production months ago. She hasn't worked for them for months. She wasn't fired. She wasn't cancelled. She just torpedoed any chance she had of coming back for any more shows. If she ever had any.

Her "firing" is fake controversy meant to make her out to be a victim.


Nope. Either they terminated her contract, or it was expired and they decided not to renew it. Personally, I think her contract was terminated as her character was obviously set for a big push in terms of the series.

Either way, telling the media before telling her was a chickenshit move no matter how you spin it.


She's now claiming she was let go months ago. So she can't even keep her own bullshit story straight.

You can only be fired while you're in employment. She was not under any contract. She wasn't fired. Simple as that.

She was not obviously going to be a big part of the coming series. She was little more than a pair of fists for punching people in the helmet - something the dudebros called her a "mary sue" for in the beginning before she started blowing those qanon dog whistles.


I haven't seen any reports of her giving a different narrative.

Whether she was fired or they chose not to renew her contract, it was a chickenshit move to announce it to the press before telling her.


But Carano already knew she wasn't employed by Lucasfilm. And she already knew she wasn't going to be back in Mandalorian.

Lucasfilm didn't announce anything. They just confirmed facts that both parties already knew.


No she didn't. At best, she knew she still had to renew her contract, and fully expected to do so given the big push her character had last season. She only found out they weren't bringing her back due to the announcement. That's a chickenshit move.


Maybe sharing a photo of a woman being chased and tortured in the streets during WWII and comparing it and the violent persecution of the Jews to the ridicule that you attract for sharing certain theories on social media is the chickenshit move.

What big push?

There wasn't an announcement. There was a statement of facts that she already knew. S3 wasn't even confirmed till the week before chapt 16.

She wasn't in their employment. She wasn't fired. She was well warned. She clearly doesn't acgive a shit except to stir up sympathy. She even mentioned that she was being lead out the door before S2 ended. The idea that she was expecting to return to S3 is absurd.

There's a reason why her agent had already dropped her, you know. Agents drop clients when they don't take work or lose it by their lack of professionalism.


None of that changes the fact that it was a chickenshit move for them to make an announcement without letting her know first. Nothing you say will ever change that fact.


But they did not make an announcement. They had no obligation to. And Carano did not expect them to.

There was no firing. And employers don't invite people to a meeting to tell them that there's no new job months after completing one with them.

They were asked to comment on the reaction to comments made by their employee and Lucasfilm had to correct them that assumption. A company never announces they have plans or intent to engage someone in employment unless it's to try and entice them away from another position (and even that's legally questionable).

You're acting like she finished her shift at McD's and got home to find out she wasn't to come back before she'd even taken her apron off.

If it was a shitty as you seem to think it is, her agent wouldn't have dropped her too.


It's chickenshit, Billy. Deal with it.


Carano was informed at the moment season 3 was announced. If the season was announced and she wasn't signed up, she was out. She already knew. No announcement was required and none was made.


Hamsterization on display.


"something the dudebros called her a "mary sue" for in the beginning before she started blowing those qanon dog whistles"
Still beating that drum? That only happened in your estrogen addled peabrain. You come off exactly like the Q nutters you fucking loon.


Denying that recorded events actually happened.

Accusing others of the exact same thing you're guilty of.

Yeah. That's QAnon for ya. What's the matter Parler full up?


"Denying that recorded events actually happened."

Like trying to deny Trump calling for a peaceful and patriotic protest when it's recorded you mean?

"Accusing others of the exact same thing you're guilty of."

Yes it seems I found the "Leftie Online Twat's Guide to Derailing Threads" doesn't it?

Keep tasting that glazing, lad.


The left need to learn from the right. Incite anything throughout all the months but leave one 8 second sentence to be peaceful and everything else will be moot.


One word for you - "Acquitted"

Maybe have a 9month long race baiting riot then arbitrarily claim only 10% was violent, will that work?


Oh, for. . .

OJ was "acquitted," too. To paraphrase the poet: "I do not think that word means what you think it means."


It means he wasn't found guilty. Anything else?


Lots and lots, but I don't have the time or patience to help you. Good news: You're on the internet. . .there are resources. Good luck to you.


If you're claiming Trump only got acquitted due to corruption without evidence then you're as bad as the Q nutters. Protip, maybe get your info from more sources than just CNN ok


Sure, I'm bored; why not:

You insinuated that Trump being acquitted meant something. I pointed out another famous acquittal that proved otherwise. You skidded away from that basic fact, and then made some hilariously inaccurate assumptions about where I get info from, and how I process it.

Protip: if you're going to tilt your head back and bray inanities, be prepared for people who can actually think to point out how ridiculous you are.


"You insinuated that Trump being acquitted meant something. I pointed out another famous acquittal that proved otherwise"

No you posted irrelevant "whataboutism" and thought it was a cogent point. Are you claiming that all acquittals are meaningless due to OJ Simpson? What point are you trying to make exactly? If you're claiming Trump was acquitted due to corruption then you will need to provide a better argument than "Muh OJ Simpson"


First: Add "whataboutism" to the list of words you probably shouldn't use because you don't understand them.

Next: learn critical thinking. Regardless of your paucity of intelligence, it *is* a skill that can be improved, if you work at it.

Then: try your best to avoid making assumptions that show off your deficiencies. Start here: I haven't made any claims about Trump's acquittal. FWIW, I wouldn't ascribe the underpinnings to "corruption," so much as venality. But that's fairly obvious.

Well, to the thinking among us, in any case.


No you haven't made any claims, you just posted about OJ and insinuated that meant Trump's acquittal was meaningless. GTFO of here you pretentious sweaty dork. You have yet to post what your initial point was even after prompting so I can only assume you are pointless and now trying to save face.
Stop wasting my time.


I realize thinking ain't your thing, so I'm gonna try one more time:

* YOU insinuated that Trump's acquittal meant something
* I gave you an example that explodes that idea
* You started blathering on about irrelevancies
* All done, for those with even basic intelligence

Clear? If not, don't feel bad. Critical thought simply isn't for everyone. You can go, now.


Jesus it's like dealing with a 5yo.


I am NOT insinuating Trump's acquittal means something I am FLAT OUT STATING IT because that is the reality of the situation. If YOU are insinuating that it doesn't count because OJ Simpson was also acquitted of a COMPLETELY SEPERATE CHARGE, then I don't think you understand what CRITICAL THINKING actually is. If you ARE claiming Trump was acquitted unfairly then state why on the merits of Trump's case. Or are you claiming ALL acquittals are meaningless due to OJ?


Fucking retard!


I'm really starting to feel bad for you. . .nobody likes beating up on someone who's clearly challenged. You should just go away quietly; there's no percentage in flaunting your stupidity.


I could struggle to translate my previous points into "idiot," but I'm no longer bored enough to try. Go back and read my previous posts; they answer all of your questions. NO. . .better: have someone smarter than you (should be easy enough) go back over them w/you, and have them explain it.

Good luck to you.


More farthuffing waffle from you, but no actual substance. Keep skirting around giving answers, Kruger and Dunning send their regards.
Welcome to the deplatform list you quivering sack of jism, you are not entitled to my attention.


Do try to keep up. I've answered your nonsensical illogic above; sorry it makes your head hurt. I've learned not to repeat myself to idiots on message boards; it exhausts me and annoys the idiots. So either find someone who can process basic information to walk you through what I've Already explained above, or go away. Simple.


She's now claiming she was let go months ago. So she can't even keep her own bullshit story straight.

Please, stop your misogyny and hate towards strong women who don't share your woke faith.

What she says is perfectly legit. She can be aware Disney had the intention to fire her for a while. That doesn't change that once Disney made the decision, they should have notified her through a proper channel. And no, twitter is not a proper channel.


She's not going to let you sniff her butt. Stop trying to impress her, white knight.


She's not going to let you sniff her butt. Stop trying to impress her, white knight.

Please, stop projecting woke behaviors in non-woke people.

You're supporting the discrimination of one person based in her not sharing your religious woke beliefs. Be aware of your hate motivated by religious reasons and stop it.


She's not been discriminated. She's experiencing consequences for her actions.

Leave my religion out of it. My goat can fuck your god's ass off.


She's not been discriminated. She's experiencing consequences for her actions.

Her actions are not joining the woke community.

You're supporting work discrimination for a person (at probably other types too) for not joining your religious community.




You seem to be the bullshit expert here!




Ok so your abilities lay with the equine?


She's experiencing consequences for her actions

The goto response for the Twitter mob. Amazing how only right leaning people receive these "consequences" isn't it.

Pedro Pascal calls 75 million americans nazi's and puts out a fake tweet regarding the similaraties between migration camps and concentration camps. Where is his consequences.

Pablo Hidalgo a current Disney employee regulary tweets. His contain attacks on fans. Where is his consequences.

Lucasfilm comic book authors tweet calling all white people racists. No consequences for her either.

This isn't even just an issue with Lucasfilm and Disney, this is Twitter in general.

What about all the people who attacked, abused and cancelled Gina Carano. Where are their consequences. The replies to her memes, yes memes were vile. If it was someone on the left their would be a 100 articles defending her and saying the alt-right attacking them. Never happens in reverse, literally never.

It is called hypocrisy. If everyone received these so called "consequences" then it wouldn't be an issue but unfortunately it only goes one way.

Final point and this is probably the most important. Why should, and I know this will be hard to comprehend to someone who buys into the left Twitter mentality. But why should liking and tweeting memes have to have "consequeneces". Don't like her memes or what she writes, scroll on by, really is that simple. Just because you do not agree with her does not give you or anyone else the right to put pressure on her employer to have her finished, contract not renewed, fired, what ever you wanna call it.

Your opinion does not trump hers just because you think you have the moral high ground. Which you don't.


The fucking arrogance of that evil mouse.


A HellvsBabyface video about the topic. Love that guy



Nice to see Cosmic Book News is still around. They're one of the few outlets left that isn't taken over by SJWs.


Another good one:


Never heard of them until this article. What an absolute trash website.

"Disney found Carano's posts "abhorrent and unacceptable" yet employs Chris Evans who shared dick pics that reached underage kids"

Who writes this shit? Ted Cruz?


It's definitely my kind of site.


I can see the appeal for an alt-right audience.


It's one of the only websites that isn't Leftist propaganda.

I feel ashamed to think that I used to share many Liberal views, but the rampant censorship, authoritarianism, racism, and constant push for child grooming from the Left through their subsidiary components (viz., Liberals, Progressives, Liberal Progressives, Anarcho Communists, Democrats, Social Leftists) has turned me completely off from all things to do with that side.

I hate their products, I hate their media, I hate their news, I hate what they've done to my industry, and most of all I hate their incessant propaganda and disinformation rackets.


Live by social media, die by social media.


She is 38, that is a very dangerous age for her to be playing contrarian in Hollywood. She is well past the age where actresses like her get discarded.


I think they let her go awhile ago as in they were gonna wrap up the season with her, pay her, and leave it at that because she was becoming too controversial in her posts. Probably a wise move on their part as it'll just draw ire from the left or whatnot because they just want to make movies and not have to deal with whatever bs that comes of it. Instead though it's drawing ire from the right even though they already let her go already some time ago by just not renewing any contracts with her. I would say it is a soft fire and not a on the spot fire from the recent post she made. She was warned before about her posts so maybe they didn't want to have to deal with it personally.


People are also ignoring the fact that her own agent wants nothing to do with her.


Due to pressure from whiney mentally ill children on Twitter.


Really? Her agent flushed 10-20% down the toilet because of whiney children?

Or maybe because Gina flushed her career down the toilet.

I know which one is the likely choice of a talent agent.


Yes because that 10-20% was weighed against the potential losses due to the outraged whiney mentally ill children, but you already knew that didn't you, you willfully ignorant disingenuous fart molecule?


What potential losses? An agent gets paid when the artist gets paid. If the artist removes themselves from getting paid then the agent is going to remove themselves from the artist. So the agent is reacting to actual losses. Not to whining.


Oh yes that's a big one, you should get huffing on that straight away before it all dissipates!


I wonder if these people play dumb or they're really that dumb, or they're just in some deep state of self-denial. It's so fucking obvious that given the current state of things, the agent dropped her to avoid being blacklisted in modern Hollywood. Right now, you can be declared guilty just by association and he could find himself looking for a job in the McDonalds for years to come.


My guess is the majority are just playing dumb but know exactly what they are doing. These types bitch and moan and hold you to standards they would never hold themselves to. They never argue in good faith and will act like it's a "gotcha" moment if they ever catch you using their tactics, all while ignoring their own blatant hypocrisy.


Whether or not her dismissal was warranted is irrelevant. It was still a chickenshit move.


Cosmic book news, right now I know it’s fake , such a bullshit site
