MovieChat Forums > Gal Gadot Discussion > Gal Gadot is an Israeli Zionist actress

Gal Gadot is an Israeli Zionist actress

Weird.... why does imdb include her political leanings next to her nationality?


Because some Zionist edited her IMDb profile. I'm not sure why politics should be on an actor's IMDb page.


Who can edit her IMDb profile?


I think anybody who is a member of IMDb Pro.




This Reddit thread explains it:


Well, it must 100% true if someone posted it on reddit.


Huh? What's your point? It explains how IMDb users can edit profiles. Yeah, so there's all sorts of inaccuracies.


She was born in Israel and proudly served in the IDF, which is compulsory, and won a Miss Israel contest. Lots of actresses have won beauty pageants and it's mentioned on IMDB and no one says anything about it. Serving in the military isn't even that unusual. Bea Arthur was in the Marine Corps and it's in her IMDB bio, Betty White volunteered during World War II and Robin Quivers was in the Air Force and yes, it's on her IMDB under Trivia. Of course, more men have served and if they did, it's on their IMDB bios.

Isn't it strange that only Gal Gadot's bio is scrutinized?


As a warning.


Well me and my Palestinian friends sure as hell won't be watching any of her movies.🤣


Her career will be hurt by what's happening in Gaza.


After Israel has completely devastated Gaza, hopefully the world will give these Zionist pigs the reckoning they deserve.


Nothing bad happens to women that beautiful.


bad = her movies

If her politics don't kill her career, her choice in crappy scripts will. Actors only get so many chances in Hollywood.


I am sure her heart is broken.


She supports genocide. Who gives a fuck?


Genocide??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I thought you were a little smarter than to believe lies from a terrorist organization. Obviously I was wrong, oh well. You might want to check out the Urban Warfare Project, an organization of military - active and retired- experts in "urban warfare" which is what is taking place in Gaza. This war would have been over 5 months ago if they weren't being careful of civilians. And if you honestly - and I mean honestly - don't realize that, or won't admit it, shame on you.


'Leave now': Netanyahu's warning to Gazans

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his second address to the nation on Saturday night, telling Gazan residents Israel will target terrorist hideouts. Leave now because we will operate forcefully everywhere.

I'm quoting Netanyahu, not Hamas. 2 million people in refugee camps in a 17 square mile area are told to leave or risk death. How is that not ethnic cleansing? Where are they supposed to go?


They're being routed back to the areas that Israel has eradicated Hamas from. There will be no further fighting in those areas so that's where civilians are going. It doesn't take a genius to realize this.

Thank Hamas for this. It's how they operate. Haven's you ever listened to the son of the founder, who's been desperately trying to inform people of how Hamas operates, the lies and the propaganda they're spewing out in order to upset people? I guess you haven't.

What I really love is when they shout that 30,000 civilians have been murdered, yet last week or the week before it was 40,000! They can't get their numbers straight!

But what is truly despicable is that they video taped their atrocities on October 7th and then denied them. What kind of monstrous sub humans they are! But hey, if you want to believe them, go right ahead. You're far from the only one who's fallen for their deceit.


I don't support Hamas. It's quite obvious they provoked Israel's invasion. This gives Hamas a reason to exist and recruit more members from the one million terrorized children of Gaza.

I support a two state solution. Israel's slaughter of 30?, 40?, 50? thousand civilians in Gaza is not moving us any closer to a real resolution of this 75-year-old conflict.


You actually think the people of Israel should have to have the Palestinians - most of which supported Hamas' terror and even participated in it - as their neighbors??? Please don't forget that there was not one Jew in Gaza - NOT ONE - since 2005 and yet the Palestinians could not tolerate having Jewish neighbors. Have you never heard of Pay for Slay where they and their families were paid to kill and maim Israelis?? It went on for years and years. Constant terror attacks by the Gazans for money. A "2 state" solution can only happen when the residents of both want peace and that has never been what the Gazans want!

And again, the figures are BS, made up by a terrorist organization. As I said, if Israel was not taking civilians into account, this war would have been over 5 months ago. The only reason it's lasted so fu__ing long is because they're being careful.


One of the very few MovieChatters that speaks any truth or sense about this war. Nice to hear.


Thank you, and same to you 🙂


So in other words, Israel is as intractable as the Palestinians. Neither side will accept the existence of the other.

And if you go back to 1947 the Palestinians were supposed to graciously accept that European immigrants would take half their ancestral lands.

Even if the Palestinians were to accept the borders as is, there are a half million Israeli settlers living illegally in the West Bank.

I'm still arguing for a two state solution. You want only one state - Israel. This is why Palestinians support Hamas.


Israel has two million real Palestinians living inside it you ignorant slut.

What you call the Palestinians had no ancestral lands, their ancestral lands were the Ottoman empire which encompassed the lands the Jews lived on.

Again you keep ignoring facts given to you and repeating the same falsehoods over and over, with sarcasm like it's a joke.

Look at the names of Palestinians - they all come from ancestral lands of other Arab states.

Again, more Jews were expelled from Arab countries and Iran than left Israel - why do you not mention them or talk about their right of return or how they should gets states in Iran, Iraq Egypt, etc.

Your whole model of this is just made up BS. The people who run Palestine are grifters sucking up billions of dollars and killing their own people.

You don't give something like ISIS a state. The Jews paid for most of Israel, they worked hard, the created a democracy and they fought for it. Palestinians just fight to kill. They had a state in Gaza and did not know what to do with it.


"So in other words, Israel is as intractable as the Palestinians. Neither side will accept the existence of the other." THEY HAD THEIR OWN AREA SINCE 2005 and look what they did with it! With all due respect are you not able to comprehend that they were on their own since 2005?? They could have made Gaza a magnificent place for themselves and their children and worked toward a better relationship with Israel and eventually be recognized as its own State. Instead they elected a terrorist organization and attacked Israelis every chance they got SINCE 2005!!! Then October 7th! WOULD YOU WANT YOUR FAMILY TO LIVE NEAR HAMAS???? Give me a break!

Re: the land: Israel didn't take anything. The British owned the land and gave some of it to the Jews and some of it to the non-Jews (as the Brits called them). Period! Any additional land that Israel has, was won in war. The Arabs have started wars with Israel for years and they never win. Israel always wins which means they can take land. That's the way it works. Period! If the Arabs don't want to continue losing land, they shouldn't continue attacking Israel!!! And if you'd read the Bible, you would know that Jews were in Israel in Bible days! Talk about "ancestral land!!!

There can be a two state solution, however, not in my lifetime. Hatred and terror are deeply embedded in the Palestinians. They learn from young in school to hate the Jews. What needs to be done is for Israel to annex Gaza after the war and take control, ensuring that terrorism is no longer taught, that terrorism is no longer allowed. It will take many years, but eventually the Palestinians will, hopefully, be able to live in peace with their neighbors. That cannot happen anytime soon though because of the deep rooted hatred they have.

Israel will have to handle Gaza like the US handled Japan or Germany after World War II. Both countries flourished, both countries are allies.


> It doesn't take a genius to realize this.

No it doesn't, but it does take an idiot to deny it - Onan

There is no two state solution. You do not allow ISIS terrorists to have a state. With all the money they got they could not manage the state they had, Gaza.




Hahaha. Now ISIS wants a state in Palestine?

You won't accept a two state solution. How are you any better than Hamas?


> How are you any better than Hamas?

If you do not already know, you don't want to know or you are in denial.


I won't even dignify such a mindless question with a response!




She’s on my shit list


She probably can't sleep at night after reading your post.


It's really bizarre stuff. Natalie Portman is also Jewish and an "Iraeli-born zionist", but nobody notices it or talks about it. With Gal Gadot, it's ALL they talk about.


Natalie Portman has repeatedly spoken against Netanyahu and Israel's inhumane treatment of Palestinians for years.

Gadot doesn't give a crap about Palestinians.


>> Gadot doesn't give a crap about Palestinians. <<

Kinda like how the media doesn't give a crap about the indigenous Christians being slaughtered in the middle east, UNLESS Israel happens to bomb some "Palestinian Christian" while trying to wipe out Hamas. Then it's suddenly front page news! But if an Islamic government systematically tries to arrest, imprison or murder people just for being Christian? Nothing to see here, move along!


100% correct! And where is the media when the Muslims in Nigeria go on killing sprees in Christian villages, slaughtering anything that moves, including infants????? This has been going on for a long time and happens all the time and the media doesn't report on it.


You're talking as if worldwide the news should be about ensuring that there is constant and proportionate outcry about who many Christians/Muslims/Jews were killed by Jews/Muslims/Christians that day/week/month. So that the world population is always accurately informed about which religions and races they should hate most and what for.


I'm talking about reporting news accurately, truthfully and in an unbiased manner. Sorry if you can't comprehend that.


If it's not been reported accurately, truthfully etc... then how do you know about it?


Aid groups that go in. Look it up genius.


So it was reported.


Not by the media. But you already know that don't you. You don't fool anyone.


Oh "the media".


Portman is an activist who supports the environment, animals and various human rights causes vs Gadot's nationalistic warmongering ideology.

Historically, Christians and Jews were safe in Muslim-majority countries including Palestine. Europeans are the ones who persecuted and slaughtered Jews. The British and American "Christians" didn't want fleeing East European Jews immigrating, therefore they pushed them to go to Palestine destabilizing the entire region.

There were only 5,000 Jews in Palestine during the 18th century since most had converted to Christianity, and then Islam. Nearby Mizrahi Jews could've moved there at any time, but preferred their own countries throughout the Middle East. 1,600 years with no major Jewish immigration to Palestine until the British and a few atheist Zionists came along.


Her imdb profile description has been changed since then - no more zionist marker - looks like she had a talk with her publicist


Probably because some of the many lunatic terrorists will show up at one of her movies and start shooting people


Yeah that's probably what it is. All terrorists have been pacified by this. Now that the marker is gone from IMDb, their main source of intelligence for which movie theaters they will go shooting people in has been cut off. (I only ever heard of incels shooting up movie theaters though)

Hey, maybe if every actor in the world who has one got their zionist marker removed from IMDb, we can have world peace.


I doubt that any of them have that marker though.

'Gal Gadot is an Israeli Zionist actress' - this was the very first sentence in her imdb profile when I started this thread.

It gets more interesting though - I checked the wayback machine. 5 months ago, there were lots of screenshots of her imdb page, but they all show 403 - forbidden access message.

Now.... if you knew who owns the wayback machine...*/

Check it out yourself - October and November


Gal Gadot is evil!
