MovieChat Forums > Ezra Miller Discussion > I Respect Ezra's Identity and Pronouns

I Respect Ezra's Identity and Pronouns

But that doesn't mean I have to respect *Ezra* as an individual, any more than I have to respect Bill Cosby, R Kelly or OJ Simpson as individuals, simply because I'm an anti-racist.


If it’s a close and personal friend who’s done nothing wrong, that’s one thing.

But every time someone respects the preferred pronouns of a proven criminal, they let him win. He didn’t respect other people’s rights, why should you or anyone respect him? Don’t give Ezra the satisfaction, don’t play along with his delusions. He is a monster, and he needs to be separated from society.


I agree with the second part of what you're saying (i.e. removing Ezra from society, UNTIL they have sufficiently changed and atoned), but I still respect Ezra's pronouns, because transphobia is akin to any other bigotry.

I don't respect Bill Cosby, for instance, but I'm certainly NOT going to use the 'n' word against him, because that would be racist, and, thus, offensive to Black people as a whole, and not simply to one scummy individual, who happens to be Black.

Likewise, I will respect Ezra's pronouns, because being a good person is not a requirement for respecting the intrinsic dignity and humanity of every individual. Every individual, no matter how shitty, is entitled to BASIC dignities, and even if you don't agree, the point still remains that if I ignore Ezra's pronouns, I'm basically saying "transphobia is okay, depending on the circumstances."


Listen to you two wankstains going on about respecting fucking pronouns, you're both as mentally disturbed as the fucking wankers that use them.


No need to be rude.

I'm not forcing my values on anyone.

Of course, I'd like people to read what I say/listen to me, and consider, and hopefully agree with, my arguments, but I'm NOT forcing my POV on you or anyone else. If you're not convinced, I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree.


When it comes to woke pricks like you two, you can bet I'll be fucking rude. GIRFU the pair of you.


I said the exact opposite of respecting Ezra’s pronouns. Learn to read properly.


Fair enough. The difference is Bill Cosby and the other guys are black, and it’s not like they’re identifying as a different race. I wouldn’t call them the N word, but they’re not delusional, or demanding us to play along.

Ezra is a biological male, and he hasn’t even transitioned yet as far as I know. He and his enablers (you excluded) expect us play along with him even after everything he’s done, to which I say no. Like I said, he didn’t respect others’ rights, so why should any of us respect his fantasies?
