MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren?

Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren?

Who do you think has a better chance running against Trump?




I fully endorse Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren as the Democratic nominee.


Both are terrible. It's a loss either way. But the VP pick never decides an election. Biden is going to lose this.


In terms of votes studies show that the vice presidential choice has never mattered. People vote for the top of the ticket. Other factors are always more decisive than the VP pick, even though the media make a huge deal about these things in order to get more ratings points/clicks.


I would normally agree 100% but only partially agree in this case. VP is a mostly ceremonial sideshow gig with few exceptions, the most recent being Darth Cheney. The sentiment also applies here except that Biden, if he wins, will probably only run one term. Regardless of where you stand on identity politics, it's still a historical first and may have a significant influence on turnout.


You mean like the record number of women who voted for Hillary at the top of the ticket four years ago? Not.
