MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Great day for sex-workers.

Great day for sex-workers.

They must be proud to see a VP who earned her political career like they earn their cash.


Prostitutes, whores, hookers. Euphemisms are silly.


But I wanted to be politically correct. LOL!



I have a feeling she paid her dues in the political arena, and yeah, I mean by working up the ladder, making the right connections, and becoming popular enough amongst her peers to advance. Having sexual congress with someone in the same occupation is quite common; like two people who get to know each other from a job and go from there. If she wasn't capable, she likely would've been cast aside years ago.
The whole sex thing is an easy response though, and again, for judging anyone: "Oh, they have each other's back because they're doing it" and all that backwash.
Anyway, unlike guys, women aren't driven by sex; as a guy, I've found women are like breaking a code or something most of the time. I like to look at them, have them as friends, and if something actually happens, then great. But honestly, I don't give a damn if certain women don't care much for me or whatever: like a job, if it isn't working out, then I just go someplace else.


What I want to know is when she said she believed Tara Reid, was she lying then or is she lying now? Also, when she said Beijing Biden is a racist, was she lying then or is she lying now or does she just not care, as he's been a great stepping stone for her?


*VICE* President

