MovieChat Forums > Kamala Harris Discussion > Not very attractive but i admit that...

Not very attractive but i admit that...

...if she really becomes vice-president,she could gain some "attractive" points in my eyes. I guess power attracts men too,unlike the sterotype says about power attracting only women


Fair enough lol


I think she looks fine from the neck up. But her body hasn't seen any exercise in years.


Willie Brown certainly thought she was attractive. Particularly since she was younger and lighter-skinned than his own wife.


He was separated from his wife for more than a decade by the time he and Harris were together.


I had an ex-girlfriend (she dumped me) who looks a lot like her. I don't know, I think she looks attractive.


Bet u miss tapping that now.


he sure must, nuttin into your hand is a sad state of affairs


Meh, her and I had some serious issues, but it wasn't without its emotional content and entertainment value. Neither of us would want anything like that ever again, I'm pretty sure.


you would've had political reps had you been walking around with a kamala clone.


Not necessarily; I mean, I don't know how well-known she was in the Western New York area up until awhile ago. The person I speak of is also 16 years younger. On another coast, younger...I doubt there would be any national notice. I find it interesting that you brought that up though.


Looks like a frumpy social worker to me.


I actually think she's very attractive, that's just about her only positive aspect.


She looks like she got hit in the face with a bag of hammers.
