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Heels-up Harris cackles when talking about Ukrainian refugees

Harris slammed for laughing after question about Ukrainian refugees

Vice President Kamala Harris has been criticized for breaking into laughter Thursday after she was asked whether the US will take in Ukrainian refugees.

The awkward moment took place during a joint press conference with Poland President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw.

The two leaders had been asked similar questions about the US accepting Ukrainian refugees or otherwise easing pressure on Poland’s strained humanitarian resources.

After the reporter had posed her questions, Harris and Duda looked at each other as if each expected the other to respond first.

“OK,” Harris finally said, drawing a chuckle from Duda and the assembled reporters.

“A friend in need is a friend indeed,” the veep added before laughing loudly at her own line. After the merriment died down, Duda confirmed that he had asked Harris to help speed up the consular process so Ukrainian refugees with family in the US could stay with them.

“We are looking for international support because indeed the vast majority of Ukrainian refugees are coming to our country,” the Polish leader said.

Harris said she recognized the burden placed on Poland by the “unprecedented” flow of refugees — but stopped short of saying whether the US was committed to taking in a certain number.

The VP noted that Ukrainians currently in the US whose visas are nearing their expiration date will be allowed to remain.

This is not the first time Harris has been criticized for laughing at an inappropriate time. In August, Harris cut off a question from reporters about the botched US withdrawal from Afghanistan by saying, “Hold on, hold on — slow down, everybody” before dissolving into giggles.

At the time, former “The View” co-host Meghan McCain suggested that Harris had “some kind of real issue” and compared her to “Batman” villain The Joker.

“[S]he’s the Vice President and she’s had ample time and resources to media train herself out of reacting to every SINGLE crisis situation like she’s walking onto a late-night show,” McCain tweeted. “She comes off so craven.”


The woman is a total embarrassment. 🙄


Yes she is


All Kamaltoe can ever do is cackle. But at least we satisfied our affirmative action mandates. We got a black woman VP, can we move on now and get a real one next time???


If only she was also a Lesbian, then ALL of the boxes would have been checked! 🙄


and trans lesbian non binary too. check off 13 boxes on that...


Yeah, but she's one half of the Biden - Harris team, or Shits & Giggles to most folks.


Her laugh is a tell. She does it right before she lies


Democrats still love her though.

And, what's up with her neck? Take a look at it- it looks weird.


She probably sprained during her "extra curricular activity." 😲


lol. heels-up-harris


I wonder if she cackles like that during sex. 😏


Lol i bet she does


She would be feeling rather conflicted. The refugees are white this time so that would amuse her and yet she would be pissed off for being expected to take them in.
