MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Sounds like this guy has been a problem...

Sounds like this guy has been a problem for a while

But nobody took him seriously until he actually got arrested. Multiple accounts from others in the industry had already been brought to light, but ignored. Glad he's finally been exposed.


Looks that way! Hopefully he will be canceled.


The Army canceled him already,lol. That isn't small.


It has not been kosher or PC to discriminate negros in the last few years. Some might have bit their tongue regarding him. Now it comes out.

His lawyer and representatives claim him to be completely innocent and compare him to the Saint George Floyd. They might be right but I think they are wrong.


I have a lawyer that will say the sky is green if you pay him enough.


Actor Jonathan Majors was arrested on Saturday in NYC. His defense lawyer has now asserted that that the actor is ‘completely innocent’ in the case.

Marvel star Jonathan Majors was arrested on Saturday following the assault charges pressed by his girlfriend in New York City. The unnamed victim, a 30-year-old white woman, had suffered minor injuries to her head and neck and told the police that she was assaulted. Now, the actor's defense lawyer has angrily revealed that the actor is “completely innocent” and termed him “provably the victim” in the case and that a lawsuit is coming!




There is VIDEO FOOTAGE that visibly refutes the alleged victim's claims, but you are a werid lot of BIGOTS who embrace cancel culture when it suits you.

Truly a toxic mix of the worst the right has to offer (racism and bigotry) and the left has to offer (sanctimonious cancel culture and overly-demonstrative 'feminism'). A plague on both your houses. 😠👊🏼


Post the video please !


It hasn't been released but this says his lawyers have video of the argument.




lol, it's not a video exonerating him, it's his lawyer saying he's innocent.


lol, don't you think his lawyer might have a slightly bias perception on the situation?


Maybe but at the same time if there is video footage it won't be released to the public til after his trial.


Sure, but until that time he's far from exonerated.


So, you're a guilty until proven innocent type of person.

Well, I think you're a child molester. Until you prove to me otherwise, I'm entitled to accuse you of being a child molester and spreading my belief to everyone else that you're a child molester.

That okay with you? 🙂


Harvey, dont be childish brother.
Burk48917 have not been accused or booked for for what you claim above.
Jonathan Majors however been booked on charges related to assault and harassment, after domestic dispute.


Black men are accused of all sorts of shit, all the time. If you believed the half of it, you're probably would have joined the KKK. Have you?


Google false analogy, you stupid fucking twat. I've made you look dumb so many times already, just shut the fuck up now. You're a goddamn joke. Quit replying to me.


He is guilty AF, cancel him!


Jonathan Majors Called Police Before Arrest
New information reveals that Jonathan Majors was the one to call police the day of his arrest. In a statement given from Priya Chaudhry, Majors' female attorney, she states, "To set the record straight: As confirmed by one of the white woman’s own written statements disavowing her allegations, it is Mr. Majors who called 911 due to concern for her mental health."

On March 25, 2023, Jonathan Majors was arrested for allegations of assault by a white woman he knows. The actor, and his attorney, maintain his innocence and are working closely with local law enforcement to clear his name of any misconduct. This is still an active case.


MoronChat's resident Klansman adds the word "white" to article! No wonder he didn't link.
