MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Violence isn't ALWAYS the man's fault.....

Violence isn't ALWAYS the man's fault...

Unpopular, un''trendy'' UN-PC view, but so fuck, it's true...Women can also be violent, or provocative to such a point that they get a slap, or worse.

Women usually lie, cry and deny to get what they want anyway, let alone following an angry, drunk or PTSD man from room to room. Women are annoying hypocrites.

Talk about poking the bear...


The latest thing released from his lawyer is a text where she takes the blame for him physically abusing her, because she tried taking his phone. No joke. I can't believe his lawyer thought it was a good idea.


She was only abused because she deserved it! Him hitting her is her fault.
Everyone understands that!


She actually said he didn't abuse her. She took responsibility for the situation. He was the one that actually called law enforcement.


Yes, she is to blame!


Stfu incel


He is a sex addict and this is only the start of his problems.


"she takes the blame for him physically abusing her"

That's how abusive relationships work, regardless of sex. The abuser perpetrates violence on the victim - and demands that the victim also accept responsibility for "causing" the abuse. Over time, that becomes the relationship pattern, the abuser constantly attacks the victim, and the victim assumes responsibility for the abuser's violent actions, and over time the person who's being pummeled may actually come to believe that the abuse is their own fault. This creates a vicious cycle of abuse, as the abuser not only feels free of guilt or responsibility for their own actions, but feels justified in "punishing" the victim for being abused - and making the abuser feel bad about themselves!


Uh huh. Except that's NOT WHAT HAPPENED, here. But don't let facts get in the way of your yarn spinning, Rumpelstiltskin. . .


None of knows the facts, all we know is what we hear from a bunch of Hollywood publicists and "entertainment journalists".

If you weren't there, you don't know any more than I do.


She said she had injuries from him, and she said she started it by trying to take his phone, thereby taking blame for him abusing her. Those are facts.


Otter, there are a couple of very right-wing, anti-Black people who are pushing a very toxic narrative across these threads. I truly hope that NO white feminist who regards themselves as 'anti-racist' is going to align with these RACIST Trumpers. That said, I've noticed an alarming right-wing trend among white feminists over the last few years, particularly with respect to trans rights. Is it any wonder that some people are appropriating 'WOMEN'S RIGHTS' to put down Black men?

The spectre of Emmett Till continues to haunt us all. 😠


You've got no room to talk about toxic narratives, you fake-ass troll!

Don't bother to respond. I'm going to continue to deliberately ignore you.


Yeah, that guy is about as trolly as it gets.


No matter how much a girl is a nut you can't hit them.


Agreed, but men SHOULDN'T fight back, UNLESS there is NO other option (i.e. genuine self-defence, or because the woman who is assualting them is physically in their way, and the only way they can stop being hit is to push her away). Of course, this is predicated on the general assumption that men are stronger and larger than women (and that even at equal weights, men have greater muscle mass), but I would be less concerned in the case of a hypothetical 90 lb man using force against a 180 lb woman, if, once again, she'd been hitting/abusing him.

But in the VAST majority of cases, even when a woman is being violent, it's best that the man walks away/finds a way to extricate himself from the situation, and, yes, I speak as someone who's been on the receiving end of female violence.


I heard that Loki season 2 has been pushed back and a different Kang will be put in it.
