MovieChat Forums > Jonathan Majors Discussion > Dropped by agency and publicist 💀

Dropped by agency and publicist 💀

they must not be expecting that Marvel money anymore . Maybe he can work with DC and Ezra Miller.


bad sign,

next Marvel/Disney quietly recast Kang


Yeah, cos according to ultra-'woke' Disney (*sigh* 🙄) Black men 'all look the same'... 🤦‍♂️


Let me guess, his former agent and publicist are white...


Smart move. Cut all ties to this woman beater. I’m not paying to see any of his future work.


I'm not defending ANY MAN who hits a woman (they're scum, and, suffice to say, *I'D* never do it), but if they removed every actor who ever hit a woman from movies, we'd only exclusively have films set in nunneries.

Admittedly, that's an indictment on male Hollywood actors, but it is what it is.


At least we’d still have the sweetest guy in Hollywood, Keanu Reeves. Who by the way, I am a fan of.


I like Keanu, but even he's been in trouble before:

...and I once saw a very old link that suggested Reeves had committed abuse, but clearly nothing came of it. However, the point is that even the nicest celebs seem to have been accused of something at some point (which isn't to say it's true).


He joked about “some” women enjoying rough sex, this hardly counts as being in trouble, and damnit if he isn’t right, the majority of women I’ve been with enjoy a bit of roughness in bed from time to time.
As to the other article, “suggested,” means absolutely nothing. For every real victim out there, there is someone being accused of something they did not do.


This is the point though. Practically everyone in the public eye is accused of something. How do you know which allegations to believe and which ones to ignore?


Smoke, there is usually a pillar of smoke around individuals whose allegations require, at the very least thorough examination, not “to believe” mind you, but careful examination.
And from what has come to light since the Majors’ assault charge, there’s a bit of smoke which has followed his career, as it relates to his character, demeanor, personality, how he treats people…


I hope his lawyer and financial manager drop him as well. Its unethical to work for a man this toxic and dangerous. Jonathan Majors has to go, wipe him off the map.

Michael B Jordan needs to be ashamed for keeping company with this man. I expect an apology from him.

It was a mitigating factor that she was white but she is still a woman and a victim.


How is it Michael B Jordan's fault any more than it's Disney's fault for hiring this man? Yes, they both should have done background checks, but why is MBJ any more to blame?

Also, why is it a 'mitigating factor' that she's white? Is it 'okay', or 'less serious', to hit a white woman?


Do you deem white women part of the problem?
Imho white women have done so much good for black men in America, they stand up for black guys, flock to have their mixed babies, fight racism, support BLM.
I think it’s important not to mix white male toxic masculinity with white women's fight have black partners.


Oh boy.

One stupid take is answered with an equally stupid take.

There is NO excuse for hitting ANY woman, regardless of the colour of her skin, but HOW DARE YOU push the MYTH that white women are superior to white men.

RACISM is a problem for ALL white people, although I know some of you Democrat 'Women's March' women think you're somehow exempt from any blame. Well, guess again. You're NOT.

Yeah, white women are 'never racist'... 🙄🤦‍♂️


As an aside, and this applies both to Porsche911 and retieredactor, the race of the respective parties in a DV case should *only* matter if there's a suggestion/possibility of an Emmett Till type situation, and a white person has lied about a Black man's 'guilt'. But, assuming that an act of violence *did* take place, WTF does it matter what colour the respective individuals are? NO man should be hitting a woman. Period. Unless it's self-defence, and there's no other available option to protect oneself.


I was only making a point that white women aren’t racist. That it’s not ok to beat any woman, black or white!


"I was only making a point that white women aren't racist"

Yes, which is a stupid (i.e. untrue) point. Some white women are racist. Some white men are racist. I don't know where you get this idea that NO white women are racist.

Your second point, I 100% agree with. It's unacceptable to beat any woman. Skin colour/race shouldn't come into it.


I don’t want to argue but portraying victims as racist feels like victim blaming. Women are victims and not racist. In this case a women was severely beaten by a man she loved and trusted. We all need to push together to have him cancelled.



Do you really want to have a victim-off with Black people (the most oppressed group in US society)? Because, by your logic, Jonathan Majors 'can't be a woman-beater' since he's a Black man, and, thus a societal victim.

I don't know whether the woman Majors *allegedly* struck is a racist. I've heard she is white, but I don't even know that for sure.

But the salient point is, whether she is or isn't white, and even whether she is or isn't a racist (and, YES, many white women are racists; the evidence is there, and I presented some examples to you), NO MAN should HIT a WOMAN! That is unacceptable under ALL circumstances, except self-defence.

None of that changes the FACT that many women ARE racist.


"It was a mitigating factor that she was white but she is still a woman and a victim."



If she's the one who ended up with "visible injuries" and a trip to the hospital, and there were no marks on him, then yes. She IS the victim here.


Is anyone disputing that?

retieredactor seemed to be suggesting that an assault is mitigated if the victim if white. I hope and presume that this is what Towelie_Towel was laughing at (although I'd have been more inclined to make my contempt for rerieredactor's nonsense clearer via an eyeroll/facepalm emoji).


Cancel him now!!


Jonathan Majors and his talent manager Entertainment 360 have parted ways, an insider has confirmed to Variety. The development comes three weeks after the “Creed III” and “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” actor was arrested on charges of assault and harassment in New York in late March.


Good riddance, although I feel horrible for the woman he assaulted and the fact that she believed it was necessary to accept the blame for being physically assaulted, just terrible, and doubly shame on Majors if he had any part in her, self victim blaming.

I don’t believe in canceling anyone who owns their actions and accepts full responsibility with an expressed clear desire to make changes but for those that try and weasel their way out of accountability especially at the expense of others/their victims, again, good riddance.


Nicely put, very nicely put DancingintheDark.
Jonathan Majors clearly try and weasel his way out of accountability.


Thank you alexjohans0n.


It's very common for victims of abuse within a relationship to say the abuse was their fault, because saying so refuses their chances of further abuse. Or further abuse in the immediate future.

It's not. Assault is the fault of the person who gets violent, not the person who said something that the abuser reacted to with violence.
