MovieChat Forums > John Boyega Discussion > he wants to be the next Bond

Why would anyone give him the most iconic and profitable franchise of all time? His acting was horrendous in Star Wars




Best laugh I've had in a while! This dude's ego knows no bounds.


I don’t see it.
If we get a Black Bond, I say Idris Elba.


Never happen. Elba is too old for the role.


I agree. It would be hard to set a new series of films around him at this point. I just get a Bond vibe from him. Not at all from Boyega.



I'll need to have the suits specially tailored though.


Nice little publicity stunt! Just a sentence or two, and everyone is talking about him!

Because he knows that he'll never be considered to lead the most politically incorrect franchise ever.


I'd love a black Bond/Bourne/Bauer/Hunt franchise. Makes something new. Black the shit out of it. Put ever black actor in Hollywood into it. It'd be a hit.


I'm fine with a black Bond, but just as long as Boyega is not a part of it. He really comes off as arrogant, ungrateful, and uses the race card as justification for everything. He blamed Star Wars producers for not protecting him from online trolls. He complained that his character was diminished in the last Star Wars film because the producers are unintentionally racist. Also he said that he does not watch movies or tv shows if they do not have African Americans in them and cited Game of Thrones as an example. I am not a fan of Game of Thrones, but that show does have African Americans in it, just not as lead characters. So he comes across as conceited and selfish and blames Hollywood for his failing career (he along with Daisey Ridley was not able to make any major successes outside of Star Wars) by saying they set up black actors to fail or they do not offer him good enough parts.


I'm a white guy. I don't chime in on black actor problems. Do I think Wesley Snipes would have gotten more respect on Blade 3 if he wasn't black? Hell yeah. Maybe I do chime in on black actor problems. But it's more because Reynolds was cult initiated for the big time. Don't like the word cult? Call it a club. It's real. Some people get picked to make it it huge, some don't. The media has portrayed Boyega as an unhinged lunatic. And look what they've said about my dear Donald Trump. I don't trust anything they spin about anybody.


I am just going by what I have heard in several news sources and by quotes that Boyega has admitted to. I agree some people are destined to make it big while others are not. I am shocked that Dwayne Johnson is as popular as he is despite his lack of acting skills and extreme narcissism, while Jeffrey Wright and Sterling K. Brown are still struggling to be household names despite their amazing talent. But, I will disagree with you on Blade 3. Yes, they pushed Wesley Snipes out to make room for Reynolds and Biels which was a stupid idea, but due to how Snipes acted on set, I cannot blame Goyer and the producers for doing what they did.


You don't know. We'll never know. I watch a lot of Heat of the Night. N's get treated like Nigs on that show. And I said that deliberately thus. It was a different world. And it's been a different world for a long time. Fucking Matlock, is a different sort of show, where Andy Griffith, cultural icon, has a black man servant. It's messed up. And he dresses like Col Sanders! I watch a lot of MeTV. It's what the media wanted. What they've been creating. With purpose. That they themselves, created.


Bond died this October. Let them start something new.
