MovieChat Forums > Zendaya Discussion > She is the future and the most important...

She is the future and the most important actress of our times

Never mind her being very talented and beautiful. Her rise in Hollywood and continuing success is incredibly important as it helps bring about the much needed diversity and representation among prominent actresses and the fact that she is being recognized at such a young age is a very good sing. Zendaya is at the forefront of the move towards a more inclusive and diverse film industry. Here is hoping for her ongoing success.


Zendaya is everything a modern actress should be. She truly is the best next thing in Hollywood.


Is this "The Onion"?


For the life of me I don’t get the fascination with this girl.


She's nothing special.

I bet you're too young to remember Nia Peeples too, who Zendaya is a spitting image of.


Zendaya is such a talented dramatic actress. Those Spider-Man movies and the Dune movies just did not showcase her incredible dramatic acting abilities. Her performance is Euphoria does though. In that series Zendaya was very close to brilliant.

If only Hollywood would send her better scripts, and she be more selective with her roles and career. She needs to get with people in Hollywood that are willing to provide a challenging role for her. I just hate to see her talent be wasted on mainstream shallow projects.
