I don't like him

He looks like a nerd, but he's incredibly musclebound, and the two aspects just DO NOT GET ON. Especially since his parkour days.

And now he's starring in that Uncharted crap, an awful movie based on an even worse OPEN-WORLD videogame, I'm not surprised his career is sinking like a stone. And you can all fuck off if you don't agree with me!


I don't like him either. Too short for a action star.

Uncharted games are not openworld.


Buff nerds are very attractive, and it’s cool that he also does parkour.

I wouldn’t have picked him for Nathan Drake outside of flashback sequences like in Uncharted 3 and 4, but otherwise the movie looks fun. I plan on watching it, and if it’s good, I’ll buy it on blu-ray.


He's not bad as Spider Man. Those things you said actually make him a good fit for that part.

I'm not seeing him as Drake, though.


Are you saying that you don't find him a huge turn on? Would you kick him out of bed for eating crackers?


"And you can all fuck off if you don't agree with me!"

lol at ur post, op. no offense.
