MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > Fetterman's public heroin injection site...

Fetterman's public heroin injection sites.

This is the single reason I was adamant that Fetterman win.

He was wrongly portrayed as being soft on crime and promoting opiate use.

What he was actually advocating is availability of clean needles to slow the spread of diseases like HIV, Hepatitis etc.

Treat addiction as a public health issue, not a legal one.


So statistics show an increase in drug use within places that promote these sites.

Places that have stronger drug penalties the less drug use.

Sounds like common sense except to Democrat voters


And HIV and hep transmissions?


Less drug use, less HIV transmission.


Did you know Democrats in I believe ca tired to push a bill that would no longer punish people who knowingly infects others with HIV?

HIV is treatable now, not a worthy cause to allow heavy drug use


So statistics show an increase in drug use within places that promote these sites.

Places that have stronger drug penalties the less drug use.

In Iran where they hang homosexuals and jail women who don't wear head coverings, there are fewer homosexuals and women who don't wear head coverings. So?

So we have less drug use and more spread of diseases transmitted by dirty needles. I don't care if some fool chooses to use heroin. I care that infectious diseases are being spread.


You should care,,,there is a war and China created a drug that is smuggled in through Mexico and killing record Americas.

And isn't it strange that people like you dont care.

They wont spread treatable diseases, but might end up killing themselves every shoot up.

You dont care if your fellow citizens shoot up heroin??? Yeesh. Help that person dont enable his addiction.


I don't like a lot things people do. It's none of my business.

I believe all drugs should be legalized and regulated.

Nobody would die shooting up if it was sold by prescription to addicts, much like marijuana is legally sold now.

And you just destroyed your own argument. There would be no lethal fentanyl mixed in drugs if heroin's manufacture was legal and regulated.

You do realize that your daughter who never uses any drugs can acquire Hep C or HIV from her boyfriend who shoots up with dirty needles, right?


Not if they practice safe sex...not many needle users have girl friends.

Some drugs like heroin will only bring down society in every aspect and should not be condoned.


I'm clean and sober but drugs have a place in society. Altered states can be a good thing.

Treat addiction as a health issue, not a legal one.

Some people can use safely. Some people abuse it. Regulate all drugs and treat the abusers.

Normal people and recreational users party on!


No one Is s recreational heroin user. Its designed to take full control over your mind and body.
Heroin comes 1st before family, friends and food.

And you support this drug be available to society.

Imagine being responsible because someone over dosed with the needle you provided them


I've known recreational opiate users. Sorry, I don't have time for hysterical drug warrior bullshit. Keep the government out of our personal choices about what people do with their bodies.

No I'm not responsible for a heroin user any more than I'm responsible for a drunk driver.

This is about rational public policy regarding the spread of disease, not your pseudo-moralistic campaign against drugs.


What diseases that you speak of are not manageable today?

You would be very much responsible if you provided the tool used in someones death.

No needle the user may have sniffed it.

But you supported providing the user with an extra tool that increases the chances of death...brilliant...


Lets compare this to alcohol...

Alcohol has incredibly damaging effects on society. Over 140,000 people die each year in the U.S. from excessive alcohol consumption and an average of 32 people die every day in the U.S. from alcohol related car crashes.

It's also completely legal and society is much better off for it. Alcohol consumption is an important and positive aspect of our society when used appropriately. Some people use alcohol appropriately and other do not, there's not much that society can do to prevent it either; prohibition has taught us as much. This is why legalization and regulation is an appropriate solution for alcohol and likely other illegal drugs.

If someone gets drunk and commits some sort of crime while intoxicated, they bear the responsibility for their actions. It's not the fault of the store clerk who sold the alcohol, nor the manufacturer of the alcohol, nor the lawmakers who made alcohol legal, and certainly not the citizens who support alcohol's legal status.


The body will not let most recreationally do heroin.
Its designed to be 100%.dependent on it.


Heroin is not designed to make you dependent on it, nor "designed to take full control over your mind and body". It was designed, ironically, as a less-addictive morphine alternative, for medical use. Yes, it has horrible long-term effects, and an overwhelming majority of its users become addicted. The same can be said about tobacco products, another legal product in the U.S.

Even more, your point is irrelevant to the argument that prohibition of illegal drugs has been an abysmal failure. The drugs are already illegal, yet their use is rampant. The government has proven incapable of keeping those drugs out of society.

Legalization and regulation offers better outcomes for the government, its drug users, and its non drug users.


Oh, scary that Fetterman injects himself with heroin in public ... those nasty Democrats! ;-)


I'm surprised places like this haven't been the site of mass shootings. It's mostly always schools, stores, clubs, and fastfood restaurants. 🤔🤔


Spree shooters usually want to kill people that actually matter or that people will actually miss.


I think they're all too happy to kill anyone.
