MovieChat Forums > John Fetterman Discussion > By his looks you'd think he's a MAGAit

By his looks you'd think he's a MAGAit

but he's just a regular Blue Collar guy that 90s Republicans would have labeled a Red Commie Union Thug.

Now the script has flipped and the colors Red and Love for totalitarian Russian culture is a Republican virtue now.

As M3GAN says "It's INSANE RIGHT?"


You're a great sheep!


Sheep love to accuse others of being sheep.


Wow, you must have burnt your last brain cell coming up with that nonsense!

But you keep defending corporate interests. I'm SURE they'd do the same for you...


You sound like a phony Socialist


Haha, you got me! A phony Socialist! I'm going to put that on my license plate.


You loved Putin when he was Commie KGB. There's a great video of drunken Bernie on his honeymoon in Russia!


He has a family of elitism and wealth. Nothing blue collar.
The hoodie and tattoos for a politican just look ridiculous.
The stroke and brain damage is a major problem. He will never be able to make any decisions and it obvious a stooge.

He is a puppet and just went into depression because be found out he is not needed at all.
He was the face of Democrats votes and now his handlers will take over and tell him what to say and do.


There's nothing "blue collar" about him, it's just a pose. He's as phony as any Democrat, but he stands out because he looks like Uncle Fester, Schreck, or Young Frankenstein.

Since when have Republicans loved totalitarian Russian culture? Closely examine current woke dogma and behavior, in contrast with conservative philosophy (if you are intellectually capable). If you're able to be honest, you'll admit the former is far more deserving of being labeled "totalitarian".
