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Another jew in another prominent movie role

The political left just turns the other way on jewish privilege.


Oh no, not the Jews! How dare they get movie roles!


How dare they have an overwhelming representation in movies despite being a small fraction of the population! It's almost like they're using favoritism and nepotism to help each other over everyone else!


The film and television industry doesn't work like other industries. Connections are a huge factor.


Yes. JEWISH connections. And the political left just turns a blind eye to rampant, obvious jewish privilege.


No one ever goes, "hey you're Jewish. You're hired". And I don't mean just with Jews, I'm talking any religion. The only way someone will hire someone is based on race.


1. No one ever goes, "hey you're Jewish. You're hired"

Yes. They do. They may not actually say the words out loud, but after they talk about their bat mitzvah and where their parents are from, they get the job.

2. The only way someone will hire someone is based on race.

Not sure why you say that, religion is something people find solidarity in. Of course someone could hire based on common religion. Regardless, "jewish" is an ethno-religious designation.

It's not rocket science. There's so many jews in Hollywood because jews keep hiring jews.


Most people don't know what religion you are when you first talk to them. And maybe Jews keep hiring Jews because Hollywood is all about connections. That's why you see so many talentless children of famous actors get prominent roles.


No one cares about their religion or heritage.


Everyone should start caring about their religion and heritage, because those things contribute to their favoritism and nepotism greatly. They have a large influence on politics, finance, and academia and their religion and heritage profoundly influence their efforts.


No thanks. He did a good job in shazam. That's where my interest stops


I understand, you're applying a stonewalling tactic. It's not going to stop people from waking up to this group of people who wields an abnormal amount of social and political power, and how they strategically exclude others to promote their own.


They said the same thing about my family before they were sent to the work camps and deathcamps in Austria and Hungary. We weren't even Jewish. But you know, a group is a group and there are no individuals in a group right? 🙄



"Content that incites hatred against, promotes discrimination of, or disparages an individual or group on the basis of their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other characteristic that is associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization"


Another Neo Nazi on MoronChat!


That's the tactic isn't it. Point out something bad the jews are doing, then they cry out a bunch of weak character assassination terms like "neo nazi" or "antisemite" or "racist" and then everyone is supposed to just ignore the bad things the jews are doing.


The Hollywood privilege is done between casting and the agent! Most actors have agents, it’s Jewish actors who get to read and get callbacks. Most others don’t even get in the room.


Uh, there has always been a strong connection between the Jewish community and the entertainment industry. This goes back to the fucking Three Stooges and slapstick for crying out loud.

That's not privilege. It's feet on the ground doing the work.

Do you propose that Jews be banned from acting?


>This goes back to the fucking Three Stooges and slapstick for crying out loud.

Before that.....

>That's not privilege. It's feet on the ground doing the work.

It is absolutely privilege to help the next person coming after you, and the next, and the next. "Feet on the ground" jew helping jew helping jew. That's literally what my post is about. They are using favoritism/nepotism to help each other. The political left tirelessly squawks about equality and equity and diversity, but Hollywood is very noticeably jewish because they are focused on supporting each other over anyone else.

>Do you propose that Jews be banned from acting?

I propose the left carry their forced diversity and equity quotas into hollywood. When jews start rapidly losing positions of power and privilege in hollywood because there is clearly an overrepresentation of jews in hollywood, we might actually see the aggressive push for equality and equity and diversity that only impacts white people start to go away.


Dude, I could see if you wanted to make a point about Jews in banking, that smacks of illuminati and the Jewish world banking conspiracy.

But this is just acting. Most actors are broke.

The only reason Jews have an inordinate amount of power and influence in media is because too many non-Jews are stuck in white trash fundie Christian mindsets. Don't blame Jews for their excellence. Blame "Christians" for their lack of creativity.
