Russian Tool

Hope he gets life in prison for poisoning this country with his propaganda.


Bruh i can't even


"I didn't know the people that were paying me 100k per video were suspicious!"

This should end his career, but won't because the current right winged audience never holds their own figures accountable for anything.


I work with kids and one kid showed me a youtube channel about squeezing slime. It's just nonstop videos of someone squeezing various types of slime in a bowl.

I noticed that it have tens of millions of subscribers. So, whoever makes that channel is swimming in money. Meanwhile, I assume they aren't some media genius and are just making money almost by magic. So, is a person like that supposed to understand the business they are in?

I doubt it and the same goes for most youtube people I have seen.


I work with kids and one kid showed me a youtube channel about squeezing slime. It's just nonstop videos of someone squeezing various types of slime in a bowl.

I noticed that it have tens of millions of subscribers. So, whoever makes that channel is swimming in money. Meanwhile, I assume they aren't some media genius and are just making money almost by magic. So, is a person like that supposed to understand the business they are in?

I doubt it and the same goes for most youtube people I have seen.


I don't watch youtube channels like he has because I don't need anyone to tell me my opinions, but I have seen his a couple of times.

I'm skeptical that he knew he was taking Russian funds.

I watch other channels where the host is just some average guy with an idea. For instance, there's Stealth Camping with Steve Wallis, which is amusing to me. He has sponsors and he's just a guy who used to live in a camper and is likely doing really well from his channel. If he had a bad sponsor, I doubt that he would know about it because he probably lacks the business knowledge to know it and is just happy for the money.

I work in mental health and have some dreams about things I would do if I had the money. If Epstein invited me to the island to talk about a grant, I would go. I wouldn't have investigated his past of anything because I'd be excited.

So, I'm skeptical that people like Pool completely knew who they were getting money from.

I also enjoy RT News, Russian, because at times it's amusing, interesting, and provides insights I know are propagandaish about the US. Many of their news posts on Facebooks are very humorous and I enjoy them.

A good covert operation is not going to be clearly one, so I'm not in the condemnation camp.
