well look at what JP Jr had "the guts" to say about another's looks


now let's do a side by side with your woman. that's how your logic works, right?


1. it was a joke

2. I wouldn't lose it if anyone said she's beautiful. I think she is, it was a joke about her toothy smile

3.yes and I didnt say

"Sorry. Not beautiful. And no amount of authoritarian tolerance is going to change that."

again the constant victim mentality from Jordan and his pathetic conservative acolytes is astounding


Sure you think she's beautiful, that's why you joke by starting a thread titled "bulldog face" and pound your chest for having the "guts" to say it, as though no one but you would dare to be that politically incorrect. Sound familiar, Jr? Nothing about teeth, nothing about she just looks bad or funny in this particular pic, none of these qualifications when someone replied to you back then, just a full swipe without the context you're trying to peddle now as a gutless dodge from what we both know is true.

But don't worry, I never expected a pic of your woman, because I don't think you have a woman in your life. A thirty something, prattling on around here like you do, shoehorning in mentions of bench pressing and early am workout times, all while calling yourself Leodicaprio, sounds more like a poster boy for the incel army. Trying too hard, overcompensating.

And I've seen that guy on Bill Maher's show once; that's all I know of him. And before seeing your OP, I wouldn't know what he said about anyone's looks. Are you a fan? I'd think you'd have to be to follow him as closely as you obviously do.


yes you've never heard of humour? you actually thought me saying "I have the guts" to say it was serious? it was sarcasm, because it takes ZERO guts to say something like that. thats the joke. that it doesn't take guts to say it, and its a silly comment..

wow man you are fucking stupid. LOOOOOOLLLLL. YOU ACTUALLY thought that was serious bhahahahahhahahahahaha. get tested

HAHAHAH meanwhile you prattle on here, but only others who are on here are on your side aren't wasting their time.

ummm no its called being a gym rat... it has nothing to do with incels... your level and depth of stupidity knows no bounds does it?

JP is a hack. a snake oil salesman who appeals to incels. he repacked common sense things and delivers them as if he has some sort of deep knowledge. hes a "father figure" to weak conservative males who want a daddy, and want simple answers to complex reality.

maybe educate yourself on the person you dmit you know nothing about, before opening your dumb fucking mouth


Sarcasm would be you saying "She's beautiful" before saying "about time somone had the guts to say it" when that's already a common view, you buffoon. That's what WOULDN'T require guts, you putz. That would be the joke, you ninny. But "guts" IS required because you are going AGAINST that common view by calling her a "bulldog face," because you DO think otherwise, and you wanted to provoke a reaction from all those who do think she's beautiful. Who do you think you're fooling?

And, of course, you didn't deny not having a woman in your life. You sidestepped that every time someone here asked to see how well you do, because you don't do at all. Sorry, staring at the women on the treadmills doesn't count. See if you can manage to walk out of the gym with a woman soon, so I don't have to worry about you walking into the gym with an AR-15.


no it wouldn't.. sarcasm can include irony... saying she's beautiful would just be a statement saying she's beautiful. where's the joke? when she's commonly held as an attractive celeb?

the irony is in the "guts to say it". fuck you are dumb.. yes my comment IS AGAINT the common view. thats the joke.. you fucking clown

I dont have to answer a loser like you about women in my life? maybe thats why..............................

LOLLLLLL the self projection by you is hilarious. yes im going to bring an ar to the gym because... I say I workout and incels workout and are gym rats and... I cant even follow your fucking nonsense.

buddy. get tested


"Where's the joke?" The joke would be following "She's beautiful" with a statement about how gutsy it is to say that when everyone already says that. The joke is that it doesn't take guts at all to say that, you numb skull. You stupidly applied the same logic to a statement (bullfrog face) that actually DOES REQUIRE GUTS, because everyone else says she's beautiful. The first would be an actual joke, while the latter was a lame attempt at provocation that failed almost as badly as the word salad things you wrote here. Clod.

And yeah, you're just being private about all the women in your life, LeoDicaprio, lmfao. Is the name a subliminal thing to help you "pick up chicks" or something? How much porn would one see in your browsing history?


nope the joke is saying she's ugly like a bulldog and that takes guts, even though she's gorgeous. saying she's gorgeous wouldn't take guts. You dont know act sarcasm even means and you are lecturing me?

yes I dont care what you think. im not your dancing monkey. I dont have to answer your questions LOL. it seems you think you have some power. and this site is your only outlet in your pathetic life and people HAVE to answer you. they dont.

yess on a site almost exclusively men... its to pickup chicks.. buddy, you are fucking retarded. im surprised the scans didnt pick it up and your parents stop it. you must have been a burden for them


Gee, I didn't know that it's "almost exclusively men" -- but you sure did.

No wonder you called an attractive woman a bulldog face.
No wonder you have no women in your life.
It all makes sense now.
Why didn't you just say you came here for all the men?

Let's try again. Show us the guy in your life? That better? Don't be shy. Did you meet another gay dude in the locker room at the gym? Or are you just a gay incel that's using "Leodicaprio" here as a subliminal thing to help you "pick up dudes" or something? How much gay porn would one see in your browsing history?


I know of only about 2 confirmed women in the politics section. from others posts about sexy women they are either men or lesbians. which I doubt MC has a massive lesbian user base. I mean possible but im using deduction here.

I do have women in my life. you dont understand a joke. you are a clown projecting your own weakness on me

LOOOLLL "you are da gay man" hHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "your called yourself Leo to pick up da dudes"


wow buddy you went full retard huh? its not like this is a site called "movie chat" and I chose the name of an actor... no no its to pick up gay men. full retard


Yeah, you talk about movies so much around here. That's why you pick an actor's name, but you're mostly politics, a show called The Boys, and a half a dozen recent ramblings over Thor's muscular body. Yeah, you're straight. Right. It's 2022, Leo. Time to come out. Does JP hate gays or something? Is that why you prattle on about him so much?


"tell me about the women you are with and your sex life or else you are gay and chose the name Leo to pickup men on movie chat!!!!!"

Do you know how unhinged you sound? yes another guy begging another guy to hear about his sex life... totally not suss....

"Yeah, you talk about movies so much around here. That's why you pick an actor's name, but you're mostly politics,"

Yes I do what I want..I have famous actors I love, less so politicians. hence id more likely choose that. derp derp. the politics board is the single most active place for discussion besides general, it interests me.................. boards I frequently check out, but due to the fact ive already had these same convos on IMDB back in the day and many are pretty dead are the boys, s trainer things, the dark knight, Tarantino movies, Scorsese movies ect. I went through a gangster watching phase 4 months ago, so I was all over chinatown and once upon a time in America. SO yes, like most people here, I talk about movies or shows I recently watched.... big mystery,... LOL. good to know we got officer Doofy though on here monitoring who talks about what. and questioning peoples names.

are you okay buddy? you are literally obsessed with gay sex and other peoples sex life. you demonstrating from your obsessive controlling weird fucking attitude that you lack power in your real life. hence the need to obsess over it here. this is soo sad. its okay to be honest with yourself


Wasn't it just Pride month? You don't have to go to the gym to meet your "workout partner" any longer. Don't you think all the other people in your life realize that you're a gym rat because you're seeing your boyfriend there? Your mother saw the Thor poster in your bedroom. She already knows why you're still single and living at home as a thirty-something. Come on. I'm trying to help you out here. If you keep it bottled up, the AR-15 may come out someday. No one wants to scream "Shooter!" at the gym if he breaks up with you over not wanting to come out.


umm okay..... again more obsession with dick and gay sex... you can be honest with us here man. its okay......

this is possibly the dumbest most cringe post ive ever read. get checked for retardation.

the fact you couldn't address anything I said shows I utterly destroyed you and intellectually outpace you far and away

haha first gay self projection now the ar15 hahahhahahahaahaha. I really hope you re on an FBI watchlist

you re like the weirdo who keeps bringing up midget porn at parties. and then accuses everyone else of liking midget porn... the weirdly specific scenarios and obsession with gay sex that you have is clearly a repressed feeling for you


"again more obsession with dick"

You know what's interesting? I didn't mention male genitalia once, not once -- but you just did. Talk about projection. But I'm glad I could help you begin to reveal your true self to the world. Baby steps.


if you re talking bout posters of Thor, gay lovers ect, your re obsessed with gay sex. dicks are involved. LOLL you self projecting sooo hard here man. look at your sad fucking post you clown. hahahahaha you have nothing. you are borderline retarded


Who said a thing about a poster of a nude Thor with his penis visible?? I don't think that exists, unless you have some inside knowledge of this gay dude stuff again? Is there some black market image of a naked Chris Hemsworth from the set or something? Is that what you were getting at when you spent all that time babbling about his physique on the Love & Thunder board yesterday? I just meant a garden variety poster of Thor in his get-up that any kid or closeted, suspended adolescent thirty-something might have in his bedroom. No "dicks are involved" in those posters at all. You seem to see them even when they're not visible!


if you re fantasizing about gay sex, a half naked Thord, and me "trying to pickup dudes at the gym". you are clearly obsessed with gay sex

are you okay? you are mentally deteriorating with each post


Please, stop projecting. Notice how I said "projecting" rather than the stupid "self projecting" that you continue to say. It's already implied, dimwit. It's like saying, "Stop self projecting yourself on to me."

Now, I command you to reply to me again, dancing monkey.


you re obsessed with gay sex and relations. be honest with yourself and stop repressing it. its really sad how powerless you are and how trash your life must be


"im not your dancing monkey."

"it seems you think you have some power"

Well, it seems I do. And you just showed why, my dancing monkey. You followed my command because you just can't control your monkey brain against my tease, lmfao. What a dope!

Now, do it again. You must.


you have an obsession with gay relations man. you need to get help with your repressed feelings. theres nothing wrong with being gay, but when you project them on to everyone else its an issue. you also have an obsesses with guns and mass shootings. I hope for your own safety you dont own any

get help buddy


Holy shit! You bit on that again?? How can you be such a fool over and over?

And it wasn't me who suddenly ran to post about the Highland Park shooting. I know you have obvious anger issues, but don't get any ideas from him, ok? Maybe the guy dressing up like a woman sucked you in, lol.

Now, be a good little monkey and reply again.


yes you re obsessed with gay sex and gay relations. just be honest with yourself....

" it wasn't me who suddenly ran to post about the Highland Park shooting."

I ran to a post...... what are you fucking talking about man. seriously get help for your mental issues. you are on the verge this isnt healthy. lol if anyone posts on any other topic other than with you its "running away to another post".

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you've gone full pyscho kid. get help for yours and your families safety


You replied again?! What a loser. You have no impulse control. A dog has more control over its drool at feeding time, lmfao.

Now, I demand that you reply again.


yes you are begging for my attention.

so again why re you obsessed with gay people and mass shootings? I hope you re being watched closely. you need actual help


No, I command it, and it works EVERY time, like it just did AGAIN. LOL. I even let you know how I'm manipulating you, but it STILL works. It's so easy with a dullard like you. Does your mom have to use a shock collar on you or something?


yes sow hen are you getting help? you have an obsessed with gay sex and other peoples sex. as well as harming people. you need mental health services immedately


Please, think of better comebacks than just parroting what the other person already said about you. But I guess you're not clever enough to do that, monkey brain. Monkey see, monkey do, is all you can manage. LOL. You must have a fetish for getting flattened across MC. haha.


I hope your family confiscates guns if you own them for everyones safety.

if you are gay its okay. I dont judge. you are just hyper obsessed with other mens sex. ifs weird and you should talk to a psychologist


Yawn. Wake me up when you can come up with your own material


I didn't think so. hahaha


has your family talked to you about taking your gun? have you spoke to someone about your gay obsession and fantasies?

its clear you are powerless in real life so MC is your only outlet. there's help for losers like you


You use steroids? That explains so much.
Big muscles to compensate for your low self esteem.
Don't cry or flip out into more rambling roid rage. haha
You're now ignored.
I win.


hahah get to a safe space bitch. you need it
