MovieChat Forums > Brittney Griner Discussion > Why some people do not care about gettin...

Why some people do not care about getting our Citizen back Stop Being Obtuse America

are people that obtuse she is US Citizen she deserves to back with her friends & family, Drugs you saw you did, or probably did some I one point, Ill admit i did


Fuck Her, she is fucking dumb to, not take dope to a foreign country. We don't need to loose more IQ points by bringing her dumbass back.I bet she learned a lesson though. After all it's the WNBA, no one gives a shit..


There's a WNBA???


There's a WNBA???

yeah dude and its good also Sabrine Ionescu is equal to Steve Nash also UConn Paige Bueckers is bound to be a WNBA Superstar she is a really good Guard as well


she is US Citizen she deserves to back with her friends & family

I'm not so sure "she" is actually a she:

Secondly, while I think 9 years is too harsh for the infraction, if a person can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Because this one broke the law.

I know, BLM doesn't care about the laws, only about skin color.


>I know, BLM doesn't care about the laws, only about skin color.

you misspelled Russian loving QAnon


Didn't misspell anything. There had been cases in which cops had been stopped from arresting literal criminals because those criminals were black and the crowd gathered to defend them were shouting "racist" at the cops for doing their jobs and keeping the same idiots safe.


Fuck a bitch


She made a decision to smuggle illegal drugs into another country, and now she has to pay the price. In view of the fact that she's made it clear she has contempt for the U.S., I find it impossible to give a shit what happens to her. She now has nine years to find out if she likes Russia better.


I wonder if the excessive punishment reflects the court taking offense to her excuse & mitigation evidence rather than the underlying crime. Even in America, some criminal judges hammer a defendant who pleads guilty and then tries to insinuate an absence of guilt with excuse & mitigation evidence during the sentencing phase. After pleading guilty, Griner’s lawyers had her tell the court she did not realize she put the contraband in her suitcase due to ”stress packing.” The prosecutors then displayed contradictory images of a very neatly packed suitcase.

I truly believe the Court manufactured a harsh sentence for political score settling with President Biden. But it was also a risky legal strategy to have Griner admit guilt and then backpedal in the sentencing phase with the dubious “stress packing” excuse.


I'm sure she/he whatever will be traded for a tier one level terrorist..


are you concerned about the outhrt USA citizens in Russian prisons or just Griner?


Both also Russia is rumored to be pulling out of ukraine soon


where can I read your posts about freeing the others?

Define soon.


If you go to another country you should be smart enough to know the laws might be different and her arrogance is part of the problem. Let her rot there. If the same thing happened to me the assholes in charge wouldn't care as I'm a white male. They would be happy there would be one less white guy in America.
