MovieChat Forums > Ben Shapiro Discussion > The Left’s Quest to Destroy Joe Rogan

The Left’s Quest to Destroy Joe Rogan


If you perceive Joe Rogan as Intelligent then you don't what intelligence is


Some of the things he says are more like suicide, not destruction. He said he doubted the reality of the Apollo program. When someone is this stupid, they don't need any outside activity to destroy them. They might as well just fold up and disappear.


Joe has admitted he is unsure about the moon landing at this point, even though he once doubted it. He's since said its more likely than not that we went, but not everything we've been told is legit. He has sound reasoning for his doubt, and points to several examples of our government caught lying over significant events for what was perceived as justified for the betterment of our country. If you actually listened to Joe, you'd know he's one of the only people out there willing to admit he's wrong.


What is this sound reasoning you are refer to? I've seen many claims about Apollo being a hoax. I have never seen any claim that was reasonable, at all. Every single hoax claim I have read was a result of ignorance or lies.

Just because the government lies about one thing does not mean they lied about something else.

If Rogan had tried to think a bit about Apollo, then he would not have made a fool of himself. He is one of those very few who has owned up to faulty thinking though.


Your logic goes both ways. Because the government lied about something amd covered it up, it PROVES they are capable and willing to do it.


Of course they are. But is the existence of a lying government rational evidence for the Apollo program being a hoax?

I'd still like to know Rogan's "sound reasoning" for his doubts about the moon landings. Did actually he have any at all?


This is a transcript from a show where he discusses it a lot. I think we went, but I also don't trust our government.


Rogan gets too many facts wrong to call this any sort of "rational evidence". All he needed to do was spend a couple of hours on Wikipedia and he would not sound so ignorant.

He claims Apollo was the only time humans were more than 400 miles from the Earth. Gemini 10 went 408 miles high and Gemini 11 achieved an altitude of 739 miles.

Rogan claims that even chickens had not been launched into the Van Allen Belts to see if they came back alive. In 1959 a rhesus monkey was launched into the VA belts at an altitude of 360 miles and were returned alive.

Claims without evidence that a solar flare will kill animals (and humans?) instantly.

He insists that some images and video were faked. He claims Michael Collins was on a spacewalk during Gemini 15 but it was faked. Gemini ended with mission #12. The alleged Gemini 15 Collins faked spacewalk is actually a photo of Collins training in an aircraft for the Gemini 10 spacewalk.

Von Braun was a Nazi, but not the head of NASA. He was the head of the development team for the Army Ballistic Missile Agency prior to working for NASA to develop man rated rockets like Redstone, Atlas, Gemini and Apollo. Von Braun never ran the American space program.

Rogan thinks some of the footage on the moon is fake; he does not give any evidence at all. He does not understand how to use a camera.


Rogan thinks the remote controlled footage of the LM departing the moon is suspect. Radio control of remote devices had been around a long time prior to Apollo.

He does not understand that a person in 1/6th gravity can move differently.

He plays a portion of Bart Sibrel's insanely stupid video, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon. Rogan thinks that Armstrong trying to be inspirational is suspect for some reason.

He also falls victim to the short snippets of the first press conference showing the astronauts looking bored. He obviously did not watch the entire press conference which also showed the astronauts laughing and joking.

He also says Apollo is suspect because some of the missions took place during the Nixon administration. Apollo was developed from 1962 (contracts) to 1968 (1st flight) and flown until 1972. In other words, it was the JFK and Johnson administrations that had the most to do with Apollo development. Nixon was only around to see it succeed.

Rogan complains that you can't go back and watch certain Apollo videos. But for the most part, everything in available to watch on the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal.

He does not understand that the flags on the moon only move when the pole moves or someone touches the flag.

Why is it so hard for him to understand that in 1/6th gravity, an astronaut only weighs about 60 pounds with all of their gear on and can push themselves up from the surface after falling?

Rogan sounds nearly completely uninformed about Apollo and science in general. No one should take his word for anything when he talks about it.


Joe is constantly telling people he doesn't know shit.


Too bad he didn't just say he doesn't know anything about the Apollo program and left it at that.

But 15 minutes of willful ignorance is not entertaining at all. He was actually promoting some of the most idiotic conspiracy theories about the moon landings and he didn't even know they were idiotic.


And yet here you are plugged into the matrix and blindly believing whatever the system tells you without question.


What did I blindly believe? There is a difference between blind belief and understanding science.


That the moon landing is real. I don’t believe nor disbelieve but it is strange and sus how we haven’t been back to the moon since then.


“The matrix”. Lolololol. Talk about brainwashed sheep!!!


How am I brainwashed? It’s a good analogy for people that have a closed mind.

Also if you don’t like the matrix try they live.

Or stay a woketard for all I care.


"We have been back" several times since the Apollo 11 landing. Why should anyone go back at all unless there is something to be gained that makes the billions of dollars spent worthwhile?

Why is strange that people are not returning to the moon in the manner that you approve of?

The lunar surface is littered with equipment sent there between 1959 and the 2020's. The USSR and China have both returned lunar samples to Earth with their own spacecraft. They are in a unique position to compare their samples with those obtained by NASA. If they thought the NASA samples were fake, they would have said so.


What, like over 50 years ago???

Its strange because we made a big fucking deal about it during the cold war era but NASA has been mute on the subject since. It's strange because I think we would at least try to learn and study the moon, and perhaps even set up a colony and start terraforming. That would help us on further expeditions to other planets as well.

USSR and China are probably both in on it as well.


NASA has been mute on the subject of Apollo since the program ended? How could you miss all of the things they have to say about Apollo periodically? NASA has been anything but mute about the moon landings since the 1970's.

Did you see the large list of other lunar projects I posted? Have you seen the photos taken by lunar orbiters including those sent up by NASA? Study of the moon has been ongoing. How is it that you seem to be determined to remain completely ignorant of what NASA is doing instead of just taking a look?

People like you who are unwilling to look at all of the lunar research work that NASA is doing and prefer to remain in the dark are sure as hell not going to approve of any lunar base.


Yet they still haven’t bee back in over 50 years. Try again.


Who is they? NASA? The USA? Other countries? What will you complain about when Artemis puts a crew on the lunar surface, possibly as early as 2026?

Why did you lie about NASA being mute on the subject of the Apollo program?

Mankind never stopped going to the moon. Unless you are going to limit "going back" to people in spacesuits walking on the lunar surface.

The latest mission to the lunar surface was in 2020.


Yeah I’m talking space suits so until it happens we haven’t been back person wise.


Who is they? NASA? The USA? Other countries? What will you complain about when Artemis puts a crew on the lunar surface, possibly as early as 2026?

Why did you lie about NASA being mute on the subject of the Apollo program?


Yeah I’m talking space suits so until it happens we haven’t been back person wise.


If "in on it" you mean landing their own spacecraft on the lunar surface, then yes, they certainly are in on it.

Here are details on the Soviet lunar program.
Manned (mostly failed);

Chinese lunar program.
Manned (future);

As you can see, the Soviets and Chinese were/are very interested in the moon. You can bet they would be the first to jump on any hint of a hoax if NASA tried it.

Your extreme willful ignorance on space travel is not an asset here. Don't you ever want to learn anything that does not come from a crackpot website or a lazy web-caster like Rogan?

No one is trying to destroy Rogan, he is doing it to himself in this case. He is falling on his sword in fact, with all of the stupid claims he makes.


Calls me ignorant, yet believes in mainstream science.


Haha, no. You're sugar coating my opinion of you. You are exhibiting "extreme willful ignorance".

What "mainstream science" do you not believe in? Or rather, what do you not understand? When a person says they don't "believe the science" instead of saying they "don't understand the science", they are calling themselves ignorant and unwilling to learn.


I don’t believe mainstream science since it’s skewed to follow political narratives.


What science do you understand and accept?

Do you have the mathematical background to understand any science or physics at all? Mathematics is one of the only absolute truths.


I respect your commitment and tenacity Randb but that guy’s a loon you will never convince. Reading his one sentence responses in reaction to the actual evidence you are posting is like watching a Monty Python skit.


The moonbats are difficult at times. I have the same problem with Trumpers who deny what the law says when I post it for them to read.


Your exasperation reminded me of Matthew McConaughey in this scene from Interstellar when he debates with the teacher about a book showing the lunar missions


That scene was heart breaking.


Still the most popular podcast!


Joe Rogan might be an okay guy in real life but he seems pretty stupid and his fanbase is atrocious. The problem is he invites really unhinged right-wingers onto his show and blindly agrees with whatever they say. The funniest one is the bodybuilder who said vegetarianism caused penile shrinkage and short life span, and Joe was like "oh wow, that's so fascinating" even though it's scientifically very untrue. I've met so many keyboard republicans who get so easily influenced by whatever comes out of Joe's mouth. So funny that they laugh at "sheeple" but can't realize they'll blindly following a guy without thinking twice about what he says.


What about the non-right-wingers he invites onto his show?


For the most part, the guests on his show are hinged. What they have to say is more important than what he says. He's mostly there to ask questions and keep them talking.


Oh no not unhinged right wingers! I'd much rather have those hinged left wingers who try to tell me a man in a dress is actually a woman, or that the 9 unarmed black men killed by the police in a year (3 of who attempted to grab an officers gun and and 4 of who were driving a vehicle towards the police at the time) means the police are institutionally racist and there's an epidemic of murders of black people! Or that a minor who got mob attacked for putting out a bin fire at a riot is actually a white supremacist murderer whose mother drove him across state lines with an illegal weapon to murder black people (all provably false claims repeated ad nauseum by hinged left wingers) Those guys seem way more sane, Rogan should interview more of those guys instead!


The problem for Democrats and their lemmings like yourself, is you can’t handle when people are allowed to share their opinions first person.

It prevents you from pushing your fantasy world version of reality.

For those of us who are educated, we can listen and assess and formulate an opinion on our own based on extensive knowledge. For Democrat lemmings, they lack this ability and thus require the spoonfed opinions of their hate night TV hosts.


Problem for dummies like you is you don’t understand Joe is a comedian first and foremost. He himself says anyone who listens to him as an authority figure is a moron. Also he isn’t left or right. Good lord you people are stupid.

“EDUCATED “ hhahahahaahaha


Rogan is an interviewer dumbass. He doesn’t have the biggest podcast in the world because of his “standup”.

Thank you for confirming your standard leftwing ignorance.

“He’s a comedian because it told me so” you literally confirmed exactly what I said about Democrat lemmings like yourself. Stick to Jimmy Kimmel. He’ll spoon feed you what to think lemming.



It seems that cac1981, can't distinguish between "interviewer" and "authority".


Most righters know Rogan is a buffoon.
