MovieChat Forums > Hermione Corfield Discussion > Luminous in Slaughterhouse Rulez

Luminous in Slaughterhouse Rulez

She’s a real beauty. But it looks to be a crappy movie; I fast forwarded through it.


Lol!! You just sat there and fast forwarded through an entire movie?


Yeah, I had recorded it on a DVR to check it out. But I could tell quickly that it wasn’t my type of movie and that many of the marquee names had minor or cameo parts. But Ms. Corfield, at least, made a positive impression.


Ah fair enough. I have been meaning to get around to it, purely because of Simon Pegg and Michael Sheen. But I just can't seem to get motivated enough to actually do it.


That’s the beauty of fast forwarding through movies that aren’t worth the investment of time to watch in their entirety. You get the gist of it and can watch the parts that look interesting or feature your favorite stars. Occasionally I’ll reconsider my decision and back up and watch it from the beginning at normal speed.
