MovieChat Forums > Ron DeSantis Discussion > Republican ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution

Republican ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution

Lee County Republican Party Executive Committee passes ‘Ban the Jab’ Resolution

The resolution passed by a voice vote of the attending committee membership as presented after discussion split largely into two camps: whether banning the injections would be an infringement of individual choice and the prevailing view — that a lack of informed consent is not consent.

The resolution, to now be sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis and the State Legislature as a formal position of the LeeGOP, states that strong and credible evidence exists that injections are “biological and technological weapons” and cites various sources to substantiate its position that “government agencies, media and tech companies, and other corporations, have committed enormous fraud by claiming Covid injections are safe and effective.”

“Basically our issue on it was we felt is was an overreach by the government,” said Olivia Erfman-Tenzel, president of the Southwest Florida Young Republicans.

So the freedom party (GOP) that wants less government control, actually wants to limit health care choices instead.

Snopes says this resolution actually exists.


“less government control” does not mean it is ok to mandate people with an unsafe and ineffective vaccine.

“less government control” does not mean it is ok to promote and endorse bodily mutilation of children and young adults.

“less government control” does not mean it is ok to push brainwashing agendas for grooming children.

This is precisely the twisted logic fallacy that the demonic left is using with the "Constitutional Amendments"; and now it is going to backfire on them.


Other than the military, no one has been force to take a vaccine.
Adults can do anything to their bodies that they want.
When you stop parents from seeking out the health care they want/need for their children, then that is less freedom.

What Constitutional Amendment are you referring to?


The first one.

Businesses and corporations have something called a "vaccine mandate".
Many had to take it or risk losing their jobs, etc.


No kidding. Lots of employers are out there begging for people to work for them. You never saw the stories about how nobody wants to work anymore?

If your employer demands you get a vaccine you don't want, you quit and find another job. It's a free country, no one has to give you a job under your conditions.

It's the employers way or the highway. Don't you agree? Capitalism at its best.


The choice is not so simple for everyone, easier for you to say when you don't a family to support, or your choices are limited.
In socialism, you would be fucked because you would not have those choices.

BTW, there is nothing healthy in gender affirming care or the sexually mutilation of children or adults regardless of how brainwashed or mentally deranged those adults are.

You claim to be a "conservative", and yet, you clearly seem to miss how there is nothing vaguely or remotely ok with any of that.


You don't get it. If you can't work for someone who requires a vaccine, then you find a job you can do. Name a single person who could not find work after they got fired for refusing a vaccine.

What about children who are born intersex? Would you condemn them to living without being completely one gender or the other? Can you name a single child who was forced to transition?

I think this forced child mutilation is a figment of your imagination.


No, you don't get it.

My previous reply went over you head like hot air. Apparently, you are an even bigger idiot than I initially suspected as well as a lying hypocrite.


Seems like you have our Ranb pegged down to a tee!


Instead of any reasonable argument, you settle for an insult. This makes you a loser in any debate.


here is the link in case you were not able to find it.


Tvfan, don’t forget that Biden forced people to take the jab to fly within the country, and forced them to be jabbed to fly into the country.
