MovieChat Forums > Ron DeSantis Discussion > Too stupid to keep his mouth shut.

Too stupid to keep his mouth shut.

Disney filed the original lawsuit last week after the state legislature dissolved The Walt Disney Company’s long-standing development deal that had been in effect for the past 30 years. Disney’s grounds for the lawsuit were that Gov. DeSantis voided that development deal — and with it Disney’s special authority to self-govern its Florida theme park district — for personal, retaliatory reasons after Disney opposed the governor’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

DeSantis confirmed as much in statements last week, so Disney gladly added those words to its amended lawsuit. At the very top of the new filing’s introduction, Disney quotes Gov. DeSantis’ words from May 5: “[T]his all started, of course, with our parents’ rights bill.”

The amended complaint;


Imitating Trump more and more.


If he were a DemoKKKrat you wouldn’t have a problem with him.


I am offended by all stupid people. Their political affiliation does not matter to me.


Are you talking about Disney's or DeSanits', or both are negligible?


I made it clear it was "all". What part of "all" did you not understand?


Drinking and typing don't mix well, on my part.


No, you nitpick Republicans for stupid shit while you literally allow your cult to get away with murder.


I nitpick everyone and everything. I have no cult.


Quit lying to yourself.


Ever see me have a kind word for any politician here? You just claim I'm a democrat because I don't have my lips fastened to Trump's anus like you do.


I do not have my lips fastened to anyone’s anus, I am not partisan, I am an unbiased and objective observer, you however are a blind DemoKKKrat cultist.


When did you nitpick Biden the last time? In the 60ies? The 1860ies?




Why does Biden suck?


Really? You need someone to tell you instead of figuring it out on your own?

Biden is anti-gun, almost as bad as Trump
Like every other president, he has failed to secure the southern border.
Biden screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
We are now a net exporter of oil.
Failed to protect voting rights.
Continued Trump's mismanagement of the covid pandemic.


I don't need someone to tell me.

I am just curious why someone moans most of the time because of a FORMER president meanwhile there is no critical view at the CURRENT one. And the current one deserves even more criticism.


Who are you to lie and claim I have no critical views of Biden? I have critical views of all politicians. I post more about some than others. Why are you lying by telling me I have no critical views of Biden?

Your stupid opinions about how and where I post my views on politicians are silly. If I did not tell you my views on Biden, then you would just keep on thinking I support that SOB. You need to grow up.


You are lying all the time. You already showed your inability to learn.
And now you are ignored.


a DemoKKKrat wouldnt have started the feud with a bigoted “Don’t Say Gay” bill.


What's this "Don't say gay" bill? He's made no bill that says anything like that.


I only had to highlight "Don't say gay" in your reply , and search on that , and look hundreds of identical results from different media outlets all along the lines of

"Ron DeSantis signs the so-called 'Don't Say Gay' bill"

are you going to start coming back with
"its not actually called that" ?
cos that would be lame


Read the bill.


WTF are you babbling about this time? I’m sure this is disinformation that the far left fake news brainwashed you into believing.


truth, he supports dementia Joe and doesnt care that Joe forces himself upon kids...


He’s a graduate of Harvard AND Yale. He’s not dumb. You may not agree with him, but you can’t graduate from both of those universities and be dumb.


A person can be smart and still do stupid things. Just about everyone else knows this, why don't you?

Biden is a good example. He is a graduate of Syracuse University College of Law and a lawyer. This does not stop him from saying and doing stupid things.


Leftards think it is fine for then to engage in political battles on any or every front, with every lever in their control, and then whine like faggots when they get ANY pushback.


what are you replying to with that insight?
the op?


Yes. The op.


But don't you self-identify as a leftard? I certainly don't identify that way.


So the next stage of TDS is DSDS?
