

I don’t think a guy like Tucker cares about the tribulations of a gymnast too much in love with her ego and who’s using mental illness as a shield to not compete against improving opponents.

Tucker has bigger issues to tackle, like the constant demonization of White Americans by a toxic/envious clique of envious “minorities” who can’t replicate the success of western civilization, so they attack the people that built it.


Well put 👍


Is this post ironic? Or you actually believe the shit he spews about how the white male species is persecuted?

Also, that sanctimonious prick would jump on any controversy of the day to lecture us about the downfall of America thanks to liberals.


Piers Morgan did apparently. I didn't read what he said though. Just saw a headline so that might not be the truth.



It's not like these publications of which you speak are private.
If you want to know if they said anything derogatory about the Saint Simone?????????????????


Easy Peazy.
