MovieChat Forums > Simone Biles Discussion > Motivational poster for Simone

Motivational poster for Simone

Sums it up right here.


She always be remembered as a quitter and a loser.


How the hell when NOBODY can do what she does! She has won olympic medals and championship medals! She will be fine!


"He who fights and runs away
May live to fight another day;
But he who is battle slain
Can never rise to fight again."



Right?!! It's so easy for some people to sit on their ass and criticize when they themselves haven't done shit.


You think being an athlete is hard? It's literally training a monkey. If you wanna waste your time doing it, to quit at the biggest stage, be my guest, ya brainlet. I played college sports so the only difference between me and her athletically, is I didnt waste every morning tumbling and doing splits because school is more important than winning a fucking gold medal, which she can't cause she sucks and is a loser.


Troll 😴


Only to white people though. Soon they will be gone though. I think others will say they don't care unless she goes into politics.


If white people ever do disappear, the Olympics and all other signs of organized civilization will follow them within a decade or so. Asia will still have some organization, but as far as things like the Olympics, that won't be happening.


There will be some kind of games but it will be a by invitation to be there though.


Yes, only the strongest and best worker drones in the hive will be required to participate.


Are the leftover retards going to send invitation by carrier pigeon? Remember, non-whites never even made it to Madagascar which literally off the coast of Africa. All infrastructure will collapse without us. No one else is maintaining the technology you use right now. Back to the stone age you worthless subhuman.


Still a winner.


Yeah, and she's also a quitter. Did she quit at the Olympics? Yes, she did.


You say that of all athletes who step back for health reasons?
