MovieChat Forums > Andrew Tate Discussion > New Evidence Suggests Andrew Tate Is Inn...

New Evidence Suggests Andrew Tate Is Innocent, Judge REFUSES To Accept Testimony They Are Innocent


And now there's complete silence from the usual suspects claiming he's a "misogynist" and a "sex trafficker".

Typical Leftist mentality to drum up lies, get everyone to believe the lies, and then go silent when the truth emerges.


I know kind of like how the right gets silenced when they realize the election was not stolen.


Yea, wow listen to how quiet they are. You sure showed them with your evidence it was the most secure election ever.


Lol so because someone is loud they are correct? Biden is your president. Choke on it.


your illogical brain cant even understand what people say. You must've had a really hard time in school. How far did you get? You said they got silenced, then next post they're loud. Them being correct has nothing to do with it. You being a moron who has their finger so far away from the pulse of the nation, it's up your ass, is the point.


I asked you a question smart one. I never said they were loud. I asked if they are loud if it would make them correct. Comprehend what you read please. Biden is your president choke on it.


This guy is still relevant?


That video is from Feb and he seems to have switched sides.
