MovieChat Forums > Tim Walz Discussion > why do MC Vets support stolen valor?

why do MC Vets support stolen valor?

I am sure if Tampon Timmy was a republican, you would be attacking him right now.


They're confused. Really bad parenting.


Pfffffft. Love this fake new concept of "stolen valor" which the right is touting now.


You must be brand new. Stolen valor has always been a common knowledge thing. What generation were you in high school?

but I know you know its not fake so you must be taking the piss out of us.


Cite me one media reference to "stolen valor" before this old Walz v Vance affair?

It's a brand new term, in the media at least.

Plus, it doesn't even fit Walz's background. He was in the National Guard for 24 hours and could have been deployed at any time. What political posturing by the Republicans that they try and defame a man who served honorably and had an honorable discharge.

And Trump by the way got a draft determent to avoid going to Vietnam.

What fucking hypocrisy.


"It's a brand new term, in the media at least."

Its not a new term. Thats very easy to verify.


I just verified. The original definition refers to guys who lie to get military medals, not a soldier who retires after 24 years of service. The media has changed it in the past 3 weeks.

Stolen Valor Act of 2013 - Amends the federal criminal code to rewrite provisions relating to fraudulent claims about military service to subject to a fine, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both an individual who, with intent to obtain money, property, or other tangible benefit, fraudulently holds himself or herself out to be a recipient of:

a Congressional Medal of Honor,
a distinguished-service cross,
a Navy cross,
an Air Force cross,
a silver star,
a Purple Heart,
a Combat Infantryman's Badge,
a Combat Action Badge,
a Combat Medical Badge,
a Combat Action Ribbon,
a Combat Action Medal, or
any replacement or duplicate medal for such medal as authorized by law.


The term "stolen valor" became popular in the United States in the early 2000s, named after the 1998 book of the same name by Burkett. The term refers to the act of falsely claiming military service, awards, medals, or other military actions. Other terms for this behavior include "fake warriors", "military phonies", "medal cheats", and "military posers".
In 2005, the Stolen Valor Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Representative John Salazar and in the Senate by Senator Kent Conrad. The act made it a federal misdemeanor to lie about earning military medals or honors, including wearing, manufacturing, and selling medals without authorization. The act also provided enhanced penalties if the Congressional Medal of Honor was involved.


Lol and no way in hell did Walz did ever do that and no way in hell could he be charged with that.

Sorry, Walz served honorably, was discharged honorably, and it's dishonorable for a draft dodger like Trump who never served in the military to trash another man's service.


according to the laws of the internet. once a claim is made it becomes the truth once its posted on the internet.

Biden is also a draft dodger and never served in the military.

"Lifeguard/Football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma during Vietnam," a post claims, alongside a photo of high-school-aged Biden.


I detest Biden. So both Trump and Biden are draft dodgers. But don't condemn a man who actually served while you sat home on your ass.


I am just posting what I see on the internet. republicans and democrats are both terrible and all they is slander each other. and then the news runs fake stories and tries to influence people to vote for a certain candidate.

once this election cycle is over. it will start over again in early 2027. and rinse and repeat...


Agreed. And the Walz story is rather fake. I mean yeah, Walz is cringe. But he served in the military, I didn't, so I'm not about to criticize his service.


it prob is, but it doesnt matter once the story is ran by news and gossip outlets. other "news" sites ran a story about Vance and him having sex with a couch. really? its all propaganda to get people riled up and not like someone.

I dont believe 99.9% of what I read on the internet cause I know its all clickbait.

this was in 2016, the fake news cycle is far more advanced today and it now has AI to spread fake news.

the problem today is people believe everything they read on the world wide webs.


you want to limit it to Only Lying about Medals, but other lies are ok? its all stolen valor, its always been associated with Lying about your service.


I'm referring to the term's legal use.

I suppose you can expand it to mean whatever you want. I expand it to include Trump's draft dodging.🤣


This man demands to be next to Kamala Harris when she finally agrees to an interview for shoulder support.. Can you believe this shit how this woman is being as coddled as she is?? I'm to the point where I don't care what Trump says to this woman on Sept 10th in their one and only debate, provided she even shows up now after making demands for the Mics to be on when the other candidate is debating and free to cut them off because like with all black women, they do nothing but sass and all you have to do is look at past debates when Trump buried her to see this


like with all black women, they do nothing but sass

Hahaha. So true about black woman. But remember, Harris is more Indian than she is black. Her mixed race father was never in the home. She was raised by her Indian mother. And she probably never saw a black person until she went to college lol.


Evidence for your claims? Of course not. It is all in your imagination.

There were plenty of black people in Oakland, Palo Alto, Standford and Montreal when Kamala Harris was growing up. Your claim that Harris probably never met a black person until she went to college is stupid.


Huh? The fact that she is 50% South Asian from her mother's side and that her father was mixed blood, half white and half black is a matter of public record. So she's definitely not African-American, not the descendent of American slaves. Her father was Afro-Caribbean.

I said "probably" and I stand by that.


[–] OnanTheBarbarian (11381) 4 hours ago
Huh? The fact that she is 50% South Asian from her mother's side and that her father was mixed blood, half white and half black is a matter of public record. So she's definitely not African-American, not the descendent of American slaves. Her father was Afro-Caribbean.

I said "probably" and I stand by that.

Your weasel word does not excuse your chicken-sh*t attiude on the forum. Man up and tell the truth instead.

Ask any racist and they will say that Kamala Harris is black as f*ck. The one drop rule, you have heard of it I presume? Why is she not black enough for you now?

What do you think is the significance of being the descendant of American slaves? Is she claiming to be entitled to something for being a descendant of American slaves? Why do you bring it up? You're the only one using African-American in this thread.

Both of Donald Harris' parents were Afro-Jamacian. That is not black enough for you?

Can you show me the records you examined that support your claim that Donald Harris is half white? Unless that is just another one of your BS claims, it should be easy to do.


Haha. She's never been black enough for me. I live in California. In 2016 she ran for Senate. Her campaign literature presented her as African-American. No mention was made of her South Asian ancestry. Sorry, I have South Asian in-laws. I found this very offensive that Harris glommed on to the community which had political power, blacks, and never mentioned she is half Asian.

Yes, we need true representatives of the African-American community at the Executive level in Washington, those who are descended from slaves and experienced Jim Crow segregation. I have the same problem with Obama. His father was African, not American, and Obama was raised by white people in Hawaii.

Donald Harris is mixed race, not 100% black. It's obvious from his photo:


[–] OnanTheBarbarian (11389) 12 hours ago

Haha. She's never been black enough for me. I live in California. In 2016 she ran for Senate. Her campaign literature presented her as African-American. No mention was made of her South Asian ancestry. Sorry, I have South Asian in-laws. I found this very offensive that Harris glommed on to the community which had political power, blacks, and never mentioned she is half Asian.

Yes, we need true representatives of the African-American community at the Executive level in Washington, those who are descended from slaves and experienced Jim Crow segregation. I have the same problem with Obama. His father was African, not American, and Obama was raised by white people in Hawaii.

Donald Harris is mixed race, not 100% black. It's obvious from his photo:

Why are you sorry? My immediate family is also mixed race including asian and black. It is nothing to be sorry about.

Show me an example of her campaign literature making that claim? I never recall anything describing her as anything but a "woman of color", or "Asian and black". But then I could not really give a damn how she was described other than "not a rapist", "not a gun grabber posing as a 2nd Amendment proponent", "not a felon", etc.

So if a woman is Afro-Jamaican, and if a man is part African, it is a problem for you. Obama was raised by his grandparents for a while in Hawaii. Hawaii has the most diverse population of any of the states.

Why are these race related things a problem with you? Sounds rather racist. For people like you, Harris is a true representative of the black community. You act as if she is beneath you just for her skin color.

I asked you for the records you examined that prove Donald Harris is half white. Instead you supply a photo and backpedal to mixed race? Are you able to recognized BS when you are peddling it?


Do you also want proof that Harris's mother is South Asian? Dude, I don't need a DNA test either to prove I'm white. But if you want proof that Donald Harris has white ancestry, it's easy to find:

Hamilton Brown (1776 – 18 September 1843) was an Irish-born planter and politician who resided in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica ...

In 2018, Kamala Harris's father, economist Donald J. Harris, wrote in Reflections of a Jamaican Father, that his paternal grandmother was Christiana Brown, a descendant of "plantation and slave owner Hamilton Brown."

What about mixed race people don't you understand?

And as I said, I live in California, voted for Harris for Senate in 2016, have South Asian family, and know for a fact that she omitted her Asian ancestry from the campaign literature. Even the New York Times commented on this. It's not a secret.

The Lesser-Known Side of Harris’s Identity: Asian American

Some Asian American leaders are rooting for Kamala Harris to become the first Asian American president. But she is not widely known as Asian American, reflecting the complexity of the identity.

And stop with your "one drop rule" bullshit because it's just that - bullshit.

The descendants of American slaves are being prevented from representation in the Executive branch. It's fine and dandy that both Obama and Harris have been successful in politics. But neither are descendants of American slaves. The system is still blatantly racist.


None of your crap proves your original claim that Donald Harris is half white, not just mixed race. Why are you whining? Just prove your claim.


I just proved it, dumbass. Stop denying the obvious.


A photo and your opinion is not proof that Donald Harris is half white.


Are you daft?

A photo of a young mulatto Donald and proof that he is descended from an Irish slaveowner is it. Now STFU.

Kamala is maybe 25 percent black. She's mixed race primarily South Asian and that's fine. But she deceived everyone for years because blacks have political clout and Asians don't.


You can tell from a photo that a person is half white? Not 1/4 or 3/4? You keep on alternating between mixed race and half white.

Can you show any statements Harris made, for years, that denied her Asian heritage? So far all I see here is your denial.


I've posted quotes and links to back up my statements.

You've given nothing to back up your claims.

Put up or shut up.


You claimed that Kamala Harris probably never met a black person until she went to college. Nothing to back this up.

You claimed that Donald Harris is "half white and half black is a matter of public record", but have refused to reveal these public records.

You back pedaled from half white to mixed race and linked to an old photo as proof.

You linked to Wikipedia showing that his paternal grandmother was Christina Brown. This would at best, make Donald Harris 1/4 white, if Christiana Brown was not mixed race; something your link says is pending further research.

Your NY Times link says in part, "Ms. Harris does not shy away from talking about her Indian heritage and Asian American identity. She speaks often about the strong influence her Indian mother and grandfather had on her life".

So while some people are not aware of her Asian heritage, it is not because Harris is keeping quiet about it.

You're making claims about Harris, you need to put up or shut up. All I need to do to question your claims is ask you for actual evidence to support your claims.


Not sure, why don't you ask all of MC's Vance supporters, or even MC's Trump supporters why they support negative valor.


“Veterans Say Attacks on Candidates’ Service Records Are a Turnoff
Many veterans say that disparaging an opponent’s military service, as JD Vance has done with Tim Walz, is unhelpful, and they want to hear about current issues instead.”

NY Times 8/22/2024

“The New York Times interviewed four veterans who specialize in investigating cases of deception about service and who have collectively documented thousands of cases of stolen valor throughout decades of research.

All four said that they do not believe Mr. Walz engaged in stolen valor, but that he did misrepresent his record at times or, at the very least, has not always been precise. In comparison, the investigators gave actual examples of stolen valor, such as politicians repeatedly and falsely claiming to have served in wars they had not or earning medals they had not.

Doug Sterner, a military historian widely considered to be a leading researcher of military service claims and who helped draft the Stolen Valor Act, called the criticisms of Mr. Walz ‘politically motivated’ and unfair, though he agreed that Mr. Walz had misrepresented elements of his service.”


Fuck off with this nonsense. How hard is it to be honest (or just NOT LIE) about your National Gaurd record. Stop making excuses for this asshole. good god.


Jeez, you really are bananas.


You maybe right. I just might be the lunatic youre looking for.






Becuase they have no self respect.
