
Yes, she's an airhead. But she's an attractive airhead, and that gives her license to get away with saying and doing stupid things.


She has said some stuff so astoundingly stupid even Gwyneth Paltrow shakes her head..

But I am not yet convinced she's truly stupid. It's possible she's so leftard-indoctrinated that she believes the crap her socialist American hating professors filled her head with.

If she has any brains, she'll learn her beliefs are ridiculous and move to the center.

If she's as dumb as she appears, this will only get better.


She'll likely lose her 2020 re-election.....


Her numbers aren't good right now, but she can fix that by promising more and more free shit..


That'll probably be her future campaign slogan: "FREE SHIT!"


If you were smart, you'd copyright that slogan..


The thirst is real.


Blonds are now telling AOC jokes.


That's a great joke.


Her face is awful but she has an incredible rack but that has nothing to do with her as a politician. Something about her seems off to me. It's like everything she says is some kind of pipe dream like "it needs to be done, it will get done, but I don't know how to do it."


There are so many people who see through the faux leftist position pushed by globalist corporations--why aren't people who see through it going into media and education to start fixing the damage done by the so-called progressives?


She's nothing but a puppet of the Justice Democrats, an actress auditioned and hired to parrot their lunatic ideology.
