MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > MABA = Make Alexandria Bartend Again

MABA = Make Alexandria Bartend Again

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MABA hats would sell well.


Waaaah, Alexandria won again. 😢😢😢


She served me a drink once


Did she call you a disgusting person for not giving at least half of your drink to another?




She called him a disgusting person because he is a disgusting person ... otherwise known as a Republican.


That's funny.


Wouldn’t that be wonderful???

The issue is, she’s young and pretty. She’s not going anywhere. It doesn’t matter that she is a complete head case with the political ideologies of a 4 year old.

She will be driving us logical people insane for a long time to come. The “free shit for everybody without working for it” crowd and the cucks love her so much. They think she’ll bang them if they support her insanity. Haha.

She is a direct descendant of the Bernie Sanders cult of idiocy.

Love the OP tag line though!!!


The thing is, the "free shit for everybody without working for it" she's fighting for is what is already the status quo in most developed countries. The core free thing we're talking about here is healthcare. American healthcare is a joke to not just the world outside the US, but over half of US citizens. Another problem is the conservatism dying to hold on to NA's private healthcare system is decreasing year after year. So AOC's career is pretty much set in stone because she's on the side that is destined to defeat the conservative opinion on the issue of healthcare.

Bernie's "cult" of attempting to fix a broken system is growing. Trump's cult of personality, is not.


Then here’s a simple solution for you, so listen up...MOVE to those developed countries you love so much. Everybody wins. So simple. Free everything for you! Yay!

And no, the core FREE thing isn’t healthcare. The core FREE thing these people want is FREE EVERYTHING.

I know Bernie’s cult is growing. He has so many naive college aged kids brainwashed. It’s terrifying, and it’s sad. They are going to be the death of the American Dream. Why try to work hard and be successful when people like AOC want to tax you to death. Why work hard? Why care? You get just as much for doing nothing. Innovation dies. Quality dies. Creativity dies. Everyone is the same, no matter how much more skill or talent someone else has...we’re all the same, and we’re all miserable. Tax the shit out of people who busted their asses to become successful, and give it to people who didn’t earn it, didn’t work for it, and don’t deserve it. THAT is Bernie Sanders’s dream.

You know what I really love, from actually working in healthcare myself, is the amount of people who cross the border from Canada to get their treatment HERE. You know why? Because the quality of care with socialized medicine is incredibly low, every penny is pinched to the max, nobody is compensated well for their specialty working in that system, and it makes people wait in line for years to get a surgery that will improve their quality of life now. THAT is socialized medicine. No thank you.

AOC is a nutbag obsessed with cow farts, and anyone who supports her or voted for her should be embarrassed.


^^^^^^^^^^ :)


"Then here’s a simple solution for you, so listen up...MOVE to those developed countries you love so much."

Sounds familiar. Don't like slavery? Move to Britain where they ended it decades ago. Don't like being kicked out of restaurants because of your skin color? Go back to Africa.

You can disagree with something and still want to partake in US's capitalist system.

"And no, the core FREE thing isn’t healthcare. The core FREE thing these people want is FREE EVERYTHING."

No. This is you being stupid, ignorant or both. You don't listen to the other side. You just listen to your MAGA tribe and their version of what the progressive left wants. Free healthcare, free college, and a $15 minimum wage does not stop the US from being a capitalist society.

The problem is you're brainwashed by MAGA. Why did you allow it in the first place? Did it feel good, and free you from having to think for yourself?


Brainwashed by MAGA? MAGA tribe? I didn’t vote for Donald Trump. It’s great that all of you progressive nut jobs on this site go right to that, just assuming things about everyone. You really love to generalize people, don’t you. I have never and will never go to a MAGA political rally.

To be honest, I can’t stand the extremism of either side, but the liberal extremists are pissing me off much more these days because they are actually hurting people, destroying small businesses, banning things, and ruining everyone else’s lives because they want to make everyone as miserable as they are every day.

And you calling someone else a sheep is one of the most mind blowing hypocritical statements I have ever read on this site.

You might as well just type “baaaaaaaaaa” instead of any actual words and sentences.

You ignored what I said about the quality of care with socialized medicine, so thanks for conceding defeat there. As for school, you already get K-12 for free in this country, then it’s time to put on your big boy or big girl pants and choose a college major that will allow you to be successful and pay off your loans, just like EVERYONE, or don’t go to college. There are plenty of options after your FREE education you get for 12 goddamn years. It’s not everyone else’s job to pay for your college education, or your healthcare.

A $15 minimum wage will just drive up inflation, but whatever on that issue. If you want to make $15 an hour messing up people’s order’s at McDonald’s, go for it, but don’t get pissed when they let half the staff go to bring in automated machines to take your orders in order to compensate everyone else’s raises. Fast food is a stepping stone job for high school and college kids. It shouldn’t be a job to stay at forever. That’s what everyone else is working towards every single day. Work hard, learn a trade, and find a job that pays better.


Stop attacking the socialists with your facts and logic. It scares them.


How about discussing it with me instead of being a little coward hiding behind someone else? Or are you afraid this "socialist" just isn't safe territory for you?


Um, there's no need. Read the post I replied to. No point in wasting more time.


That's why I correctly called you a coward hiding behind someone else.


You got owned again, leftist.


There are no liberals destroying small businesses and there is no "free everything" progressive platform. It's a smear you've bought into because the corporate monkeys programmed it into you.

Also, the canceling goes both ways. Ellen is feeling it right now.

Paying $100 for a single Tylenol is not what anyone with a brain considers to be quality. What we have here is quality of care for the rich. For everyone who isn't rich, it's a joke. The "low" quality care you're complaining about is what the non-wealthy rely upon. It's preventative care, and the lack of it is what causes our emergency care costs to skyrocket. But hey, if you want emergency care costs in the realm of sanity, go to another country because Murica!

And oh nooooo, god forbid we have community colleges that are tuition free like K-12. That will end all of us! Repubs oppose it because they need stupid voters. The party is reliant on stupidity so the elites can stay in charge. So drink your Mountain Dew, watch your reality TV, and hope you don't get sick.

$15 minimum wage is where we were headed until it was derailed by Reagan, along with our insane debt. The increase of 1950 was $8 an hour in today's dollars. Five more increases later and in 1968 we were at $12 an hour in today's dollars. Seven more increases happened until 1981. Then no increase again until 1990. By then the damage was done. $7.50 in today's dollars is what we got in 1990 when we finally got another increase after ten years. And so now anyone calling for us to get back to the original path is just a "socialist." Well played, Reagan. Well played.

But don't bother looking at figures or statistics. You just go on repeating that McDonald's line. It's a hoot.


You got/get it. I hope your volunteering with the election this year. Support your local Democrats.


I live in a deep red state, but I'll be doing some down ballot stuff. It's surprising how well progressive candidates do even in red territories.


Everyone should have their basic needs met. There's nothing wrong with that for America.

AOC is awesome - I believe wherever she is in life, she'll always be fighting for human rights.


She'll keep winning too, and it'll keep driving right-wingers crazy. That's twice the victory :)


I mean liberal extremists are BURNING DOWN small businesses during riots. Perhaps you haven’t seen any of that on the news? You probably think it is “right wing nut jobs” making it look like progressives are burning buildings and businesses down, killing and hurting innocent people who had nothing to do with George Floyd, and literally shitting on police cars, right?

No, canceling doesn’t go both ways. These people just eat their own from time to time. Generally speaking, white progressives are trying to ban everything under the sun that they find “offensive.” No one else cares.

No one is paying $100 for a single Tylenol. That’s ridiculous and completely full of shit. Also, I’m not even close to rich, and nothing about my healthcare is a joke. It’s not perfect, and no system is, but you won’t change my mind about the low quality of care with socialized medicine, because I have seen, spoken to, and worked with with people who have fled from it, and it has nothing to do with politics. It was about getting the best care for themselves and their families, and socialized medicine is a nightmare if you want quality care.

Raise the minimum wage then. I don’t care. I stand by what I said with inflation, and my McDonald’s statement. No need to rehash it. Go ahead and get a “hoot” out of it. It’s not wrong.

We can do this all day. You spin it your way and I’ll spin it mine. And that’s that.

In the grand scheme of things the misguided people like yourself and the Bernie/AOC “free shit for everyone” cult are probably going to win eventually, so congratulations...I just hope I’m old as shit and ready to die when it actually takes full effect, and the American Dream dies, along with free speech, and we are all just numbers who aren’t free to say or do anything, and everyone is just a government leech sucking from the teat in every facet of life to support us in every way. God bless America then. Looking forward to it. 🙄


Riots and looting is a result of Chauvin being on the verge of getting away with George Floyd's death which was the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if you remove that straw, there's still an underlying problem with the system. The riots and looting are because of that underlying problem, not because of liberal politics. Trump ignores that underlying problem because admitting it upsets the MAGAs. So what's your excuse?

"Generally speaking, white progressives are trying to ban everything under the sun that they find “offensive.”"

This absolutely proves you don't know what you are talking about. You are too ignorant to see the divide between the Hillary-supporting neoliberals and the Bernie-supporting progressives. The people who are engaging in identity politics within the party are the same who oppose medicare for all. However, those that are engaging in identity politics, cancel culture, etc, extend to the republican party. While you're out there claiming it's a progressive problem, the DNC is cutting AOC out of the convention in favor of John Kasich and his own republican brand of cancel culture against Trumpism. They don't want AOC or any Justice Democrat speaking at the convention because they know those progressives will focus on things like medicare for all.

"No one is paying $100 for a single Tylenol. That’s ridiculous and completely full of shit."

No, it's not. It happens way too often where you get billed for an emergency visit for $150-$500 when all they gave you was a single pill and sent you home. To not know how often that happens is quite ignorant.

"I have seen, spoken to, and worked with with people who have fled from it, and it has nothing to do with politics."

Complete and utter bullshit. Nobody in Canada is sneaking across the border for US healthcare. Except maybe rich people that are ready to fork over $500,000 for an immediate transplant. You never see it. It's ALWAYS the other way around. Every. Single. God. Damn. Time. Oh, but you have seen SOOO many people do it. Uh-huh. Total, absolute, horse manure.


"Riots and looting is a result of Chauvin being on the verge of getting away with George Floyd's death which was the straw that broke the camel's back."

Yeah, because that was the fault of that small business owned by a black guy. Makes sense ...


"In the grand scheme of things the misguided people like yourself and the Bernie/AOC “free shit for everyone” cult are probably going to win eventually, so congratulations."

But you'd rather close your eyes and ears instead of figuring out WHY progressives are going to win. They are going to win because they have the numbers. They are going to win just as we see US citizens sneaking into Canada for healthcare and never the other way around. They are going to win, NOT because a rejection of capitalism, but because of an understanding there will be a mass exodus of jobs to AI.

What's the libertarian free-market answer to all cashiers being replaced by self-serve AI checkouts?
What's the libertarian free-market answer to all stores stocking their shelves using robots?
What's the libertarian free-market answer to all accountants being replaced by computers?

Get a different job, right? How long until you run out? There is no libertarian free-market answer. You would need to regulate those companies to make it illegal, which would have all the libertarians, conservatives, MAGAs, whatever screaming "BLARGH SOCIALISM BLARGH!" But there's no alternative, because conservatism says let the capitalists make their profits, when the system of capitalism has no brain to understand it's removing the people's income it profits from. It's just a system involving competition, but that competition requires a lack of resources for us to compete for.

It's not only jobs either. Self-sustaining nuclear fusion reactors could very seriously become a thing in 20 years. That means free energy for the entire world including third world countries. Oh shit.

That's a huuuuge problem for capitalism because, like I said, there has to be limited resources for us to compete with each other for them. Technology is reducing those resource limitations on the daily, which is how Andrew Yang is getting support even from many moderates.

But nah, you don't wanna hear any of that. You just wanna whine that your side is losing. Well I guess keep crying then. But to the people with brains, there are much bigger issues to worry about on the horizon, and all capitalism can do is pretend it's not coming. Let's see how far that gets ya in ten to twenty.


Telling me I’m full of shit on things I’ve actually seen with my own eyes shows what an unbelievable tool you are. But only a brain dead progressive like yourself thinks they were there when other people had discussions. YES, I have worked with people who came here from Canada to receive weren’t there you unbelievable twat. But hey, I guess if you can’t handle that morons like you just deny it.

So, you really aren’t worth another second. You’re a complete dipshit in every sense of the word, and you are DEAD...FUCKING...WRONG on everything you are vomiting on these message boards. No wonder most of the logical thinking country hates you “know it all“ fucktards. You are the biggest group of crybabies in the history of the world. “I can’t get everything for free. I have to work and stuff! Give me this! Give me that! 😫”

You have NO place to call anyone else a crybaby. People like you are burning buildings down and hurting innocent people for your “cause”. You’re disgusting.

It’s not worth typing another message to you. I’ve said everything I needed to say, and you’ve spewed nothing but lies back from your twisted fairy tale land, just like crazy uncle Bernie and cow farts McGee AOC.

Seriously, move away. It will be better for everyone. If you hate America so much...leave. It’s so simple. People like you are going to ruin the world for sure.

“We’ve got the numbers” you say. Just shows what a load of brainwashed morons we have in this country right now, who will never know the value of hard work or earning anything for themselves.

Suck up those freebies. Have a good day. 🖕🏻


"Telling me I’m full of shit on things I’ve actually seen with my own eyes shows what an unbelievable tool you are."
I mean, you did the same thing when I said $100 for Tylenol. Except there are clear examples of it. For the third time, nobody from Canada sneaks into the US for healthcare. But how many examples are there of it happening the other way around? Too many to count. How many examples are there of people receiving $300 hospital bills when all they were given was Tylenol? Too many to count.

"You’re a complete dipshit in every sense of the word, and you are DEAD...FUCKING...WRONG on everything you are vomiting on these message boards."
You're pissed off because you feel that I'm wrong but you cannot articulate why. Facts don't care about your feelings.

"You have NO place to call anyone else a crybaby."
Well, you are the one crying right now, lol.

"It’s not worth typing another message to you."
Then don't. I'm not asking you to.

"Seriously, move away."
You have admitted progressives are going to win eventually. So we've already established that I don't have to. Perhaps it is you who should be considering packing those bags. :)

"Just shows what a load of brainwashed morons we have in this country right now"
Sure, sure. It's easy to call someone a moron. But it's impossible to refute that jobs are moving away to AI, and that 20 years from now capitalism will seriously be on the struggle bus.

I actually agree with you. Walk away from this one. And I'm sorry nobody of value came to your defense in this anti-AOC thread. You've already moved the conversation away from the subject material into your personal rage-fest anyway. There's no point in continuing. But hey, maybe you'll have better luck on the Kamala Harris board.


I don’t need any defense against you. Your posts are the best defense I could ever have. They’re idiotic ramblings of probably a pathetic virgin living in his Mom’s basement, pissed off because he never made it anywhere in life, and blames successful people who actually work for what they have for his own misery.

When I’m talking to a lunatic who loves nothing but the sound of his own voice, like you obviously do, the smart thing to do is walk away, but I’m taking the bait one last time.

How many times do you usually go back and forth repeating the same ridiculous points with people? Then when they walk away from your bullshit after you say the same shit 10 times in a gloat like you won something??? How sad is that??? You didn’t win shit. Nobody wins a political argument. No one ever changes their minds about anything, and each side goes away feeling the same way. You’re the only toolbag who doesn’t seem to realize this.

Your battle to strip people of their hard earned money and turn the US into a socialist dump isn’t going to be easy, even if you morons are multiplying like gremlins. People wise up, and hopefully as these kids get older they’ll wake up and realize nothing is free, and just like that, pathetic extremists like Bernie, AOC, and yourself will be a thing of the past...trying to find other ways to scam people who don’t know any better.

It’s not easy to call someone a moron, but it’s simple to call you a moron. Just look at your posts. But hey, at least you went a few posts without bitching like a 3 year old about Trump. Cheers to that.

NOW I’ll be the smart one and walk away, because it’s pointless having any kind of discussion with a fascist like yourself.

AOC is dumber than a brick. A pretty bartender who lucked into being the socialist descendant of the sell out known as “I have 3 homes but I hate capitalism” Bernie Sanders. Bunch of hypocrites. No wonder you love them.


I mean, you said all that already. You've already proven you know nothing about the progressive movement, which is why you're on this thread in the first place.

And it's obvious you have no interest in learning first hand what the progressive movement is from a progressive. All you do is repeat the Fox News version of it, proving your mind has been made up for you. You also only seem to be able to repeat "free everything" to yourself and pat yourself on the back for a job well done debating "real issues."

Bernie and progressives tell you over, and over, and over that they support capitalism. How many times now have I told you it's not about 'free everything" and that it's about healthcare, college and minimum wage. You respond by saying you know better because you "feel" like they want free everything, but then you turn around and say "but but but he has 3 houses" proving he supports capitalism. LOL. It's like your own brain is having a war with itself in the battle of useless and empty talking points.

There is no communistic movement to strip people of their money. There's just the obvious understanding that corporate elites have won so hard that they've fooled you into thinking Reagan's tax brackets are now socialistic. That's exactly what you would call it if we went back to that same tax code and got medicare for all out of it.

Repubs have been working hard to fool the Mountain Dew drinking, reality TV watching dullards that that's what socialism is and their guns will be taken away by the other side if they don't vote for the red team. Those are the brainless idiots you tout as the real heroes of this country who've got it right. And then you turn around and wonder why the other side is winning.

Hmmm... I wonder why.


Strange how you Commies use a definition of Democratic Socialism that's the opposite of Wikipedia!


Oh, really? Tell me more.

Overlap with social democracy
Democratic socialism has been described as the form of social democracy prior to the displacement of Keynesianism by neoliberalism and monetarism which caused many social-democratic parties to adopt the Third Way ideology, accepting capitalism as the current status quo and powers that be, redefining socialism in a way that it maintained the capitalist structure intact.

Not all progressives are democratic socialists either. Many are social democrats who do not identify that way. Bernie actually floats in between. He's a democratic socialist when it comes to medicare for all and college. For everything else, he's pretty much soc-dem.


Social democracy - The third way, has accepted capitalism. Their goal is to have an European/Nordic Model kind of capitalism, a welfare capitalism. And with that I can agree.

Democratic socialism has not. For DS the goal is pure socialism, but not with a revolution but gradual change, still the end goal being proper socialism. And with that I will never agree.

That's the big difference between the 2.


Bernie and progressives tell you over, and over, and over that they support capitalism.

No they do not. Not even close. If you show me a link of Bernie, AOC, or any progressives touting the benefits of capitalism I will tip my cap to you. I have never heard anything even close to that. Show me where they say they support capitalism. AOC rips on it every chance she gets.


He says it every time he says he wants the top one percent to pay their fair share of taxes. You can't pay taxes without capitalism. He says it every time he says he wants companies to focus on renewable energy. You can't have those companies operate without capitalism. He says it every time he says he wants to tax Wall Street speculation which is what got us into the financial crisis by the way. Wall Street cannot exist without capitalism.

There isn't even a mechanism possible or available to get rid of capitalism. There are dozens of ways to get rid of crony capitalism though, and plenty of times where he says he wants to get rid of that. The idea is to use social democracy to tame crony capitalism so that everybody has a fair shot at capitalism. But with so much wealth going to the top 1%, the capital with which we have to become wealthy becomes less and less. It's all going in one direction.

Look at Bloomberg for example. Four years ago he was worth about $30 billion. It took him all his life to reach that amount. Four years later and he's worth $55 billion. $30 billion his first 70 years, $25 billion the last four years. Now tell me, was 70 year old Bloomberg working his butt off the last four years making that $25 billion? Or was he sitting on his ass thinking about running for president?

And where did that $25 billion come from that he barely had to work for? Was it conjured out of thin air? No. It was siphoned from the middle class, as always. We can't tax that guy a little more? Really? Come on, man. This shit ain't that hard.


You almost had me there. 🙄 Take care. I’m done.



Not really


"This is you being stupid, ignorant or both." I would say that for you.

In her green deal overview she stated that the state needs to provide "economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”.

So I wonder who is the brainwashed???


"The actual resolution that outlines the Green New Deal does not include the “unwilling to work” part"


That is correct but changes nothing, does it?

It doesn't matter if it was in the actual resolution, the overview or if she said it when she was drunk in one of her bartending nights.

Those are the words.

Being in the overview or the resolution just makes them more official ... and puts the whole party behind them, for supporting that idea.

Nevermind that the whole NGD was of monumental stupidity ...


The only thing that matters is what's in the bill.

As far as saying dumb stuff, nobody has said anything as stupid as Trump saying the 1775 army took over the airports.


at least Obama has been to all 58 States...

and dont forget rub my hairy legs guy...

BIDEN: "And by the way, you know, I sit on the stand, and it's getting hot, I've got hairy legs that turn — that — that — that turn — um, blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again. They'd look at it. So, I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap."

of course he likes kids jumping on his lap, gross!!!


The only thing that matters is that this is their opinion, their view, their goals.

Of course sometime is better to hide those and go small so people don't catch you on your agenda.

As about trump saying stupid shit you're probably right, trump is the champion.

But remind me when the discussion about the LEADERS has switched from "ours is the best" to "yours is worse" and how come NO ONE sees a BIG problem with it. FFS, choosing between dumb and dumber led us here and will make idiocracy ring true ...


You'll always find some reason to hate her ... is guess that is all Republicans do ... tell each other who to hate. I don't have a problem with people being unwilling to work, because they are many reasons people cannot work, and forcing them to work when they are no able, or willing is extortion and slavery. Republicans love that. I knew a very brilliant guy with computers who had a lot of psychological problems that made him unable - or you would say unwilling to work. He contributed though to donating time to the local Community College helping people, including me at the time use PASCAL. Later he got his head together and is a far more productive person and taxpayer than he would have been otherwise. Someone actually recognized his potential and made a job around his talents.

A lot of people I don't even want working. People who work at fast food places and so incompetent they cannot make a Big Mac? Some people are a total loss. I hired a guy to do handyman work once and every single thing he did I had to undo, he could not get anything right. Who wants someone like the representing their company ... a lot of people who do not care about quality or their reputation.


"I don't have a problem with people being unwilling to work, because they are many reasons people cannot work, and forcing them to work when they are no able, or willing is extortion and slavery."

Can you make the distinction between "unwilling" and "cannot" work? I guess not.

I don't have a problem with people being unwilling to work either if they can support themselves but I have problems with people wanting economic security on my work.

Forcing me to pay taxes from my work to support those unwilling to work is slavery and those unwilling to work are the slave masters that want to benefit from other people work.

It's funny when socialists are like "it's wrong to exploit the working class to gain unfair advantages from their work" but they are like "it's fine to exploit the working class to gain unfair advantages from their work" when another socialist says so ..

Capitalist "you can work for me" = bad.
Socialist "you are forced to work for me" = good.


Btw: what would happen if all will be unwilling to work??? Because if you can offer me economic security without working I would NEVER work. And 90% of the population will never work either.


> Can you make the distinction between "unwilling" and "cannot" work?

Can you read?

Socialists are the working class. The working class only believe they are over-taxed because

1) The super rich do not pay their taxes.
2) The super rich have cut all investment into the public commons.
3) The taxes that the super rich do not pay end up having to be paid back by the working class - with interest.
4) The working class resents it because not only are they on the hook for rich people's taxes, they have to pay the interest as well, and the extra costs of all those rip-off economic sectors like health care.
5) The working class does not believe they benefit from the government programs because they are propagandized to think it is all minorities=, so they become racist haters as well.
6) They are told that if they hate and insult and whine really hard that they money they will save by not giving to other people will make them rich - so they vote Republican, but never realize that they are being lied to and duped.

Finally, folks like you never open their eyes or learn anything new because they are told it's communist, or Marxist and will make their lives worse and bring down the super-rich on their backs.


Yes, I can, can you??? And understand it? Cannot work is NOT the same as unwilling to work.

1) They do pay their legal taxes.
2) It's not the rich people job to do so
3) false
4) false
5) false
6) false

Finally, false. I lived in a socialist country, I lived in a post-socialist country, I've seen most of Europe - lived few months in France, I'm now in the USA. I've seen and experienced most of it. I know how to spot communist/marxist ideas. And yours are.

"Free" health care is not a communist idea, "free" education is not a communist idea.

Social democracy is not communism (nor socialism).


It's the top 0.1% that gets the most "free shit", and they don't do anything with it but bribe Congress to make laws so they can get more "free shit".


The more Americans who vote the more chance she has of being re-elected. She has served her constituents well, and they like her. She is honest and truthful.

Tax The Rich


If you get what you think you want, you'll be consumed with regret.


Nothing worse than a blind know-nothing who thinks they know-it-all.


I agree. You should delete your account and get an education, not indoctrination.


Smart remarks do not make you smart, or make people take you seriously.


I know, that's why you should take my suggestions. There may be hope for you, but I doubt it. You're too far gone.


Usually the socialists imagine a socialist world in which they are in the ruling class.

And some people WILL make sure they get there through any means, spilling blood included.


