She is so hot she haunts my dreams at night. Her beauty is unreal. Her boobs are absolutely flawless.

I am in love


Perhaps if she becomes POTUS you could be the First Man!


She is so hot she haunts my dreams at night. Her beauty is unreal. Her boobs are absolutely flawless.

I am in love

Man, get a grip -- and I don't mean of your dick! 🙄😏



Good advice!!


The way America is going, yes.


Sadly :(

Also, I know the Constitution states you must be 35yo to be President. She won't be 35 until Oct 2024. Would she still be able to run/be nominated if she's not quite 35 yet?


"you must be 35yo to be President"

"She won't be 35 until Oct 2024"

"Monday, Jan 20, 2025: Swearing-In Ceremony

The official ceremonies of Inauguration Day start at noon on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol with the vice president-elect and president-elect taking the Oaths of Office administered by the chief justice of the Supreme Court."


I actually don't see her running for president. She will for sure remain in politics tho specially as representative of her congressional district. She very much has no competition there and will no doubt win until she can no longer be reelected.


The bitch voted against additional security for our Supreme Court right after her cult tried to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh. She should go to jail for that.


wow really?


Yep, obviously she wants our Supreme Court to be unguarded so her mob can successfully kill them after failing the first time. The bitch needs to be prosecuted.

Defund The Police Cori Bush also voted against it.


You know you want to hit that...


Yeah I'll agree with you there, she is good for something.


Notice how they NEVER bring up the WEEKLY mass shootings in Chicago, many times killing or maiming small children and innocent bystanders, in their rants about mass shootings! I'll never understand why they don't give a shit about these people, especially the kids!


They don’t care about anyone but themselves. They just selectively choose the incidents they are going to virtue signal over and politicize based on what’s best for them politically. It’s utterly sick and disturbing.

574 violent riots go by and we are told they are peaceful protests
Then 1 out of control protest by the right happens and all of a sudden they are bitching and moaning about “insurrections” and riots all of a sudden become bad.


100% correct (and infuriating)


The Republicans need to grow a pair and finally stand on principle by holding these scumbags accountable. The first thing they need to do is impeach Biden and Harris then start working their way down. This is literally what their voters want them to do.


Oh I totally agree with you.




I wouldn't trust this Fucking Retard to flush the toilet. President...I'd vote for a can of cat food over this Cunt.


Would she really be any worse than Joe 'senile' Biden?

Presidents have a team to work with, laws to abide, approvals to seek, it's not a dictatorship.


HAHAHAHA that would be amazing 🤣


She should do like Beto and just have AOC on it. Then people can still use the same shirt for 2028.But then that would lose money so just make them buy new ones for that year.
