MovieChat Forums > Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Discussion > AOC is the Democrats' best shot against ...

AOC is the Democrats' best shot against Trump in 2024.

As a non-American I'd like Trump to become president again because he's an amusing character and he winds a lot of people up. An entertaining presidency.

However if AOC runs against him I'm team AOC all the way. Fingers crossed she runs. Could you imagine AOC as president?

Many European countries have had Women as their state heads, it's time for the US to join the club. Also a young president would be a nice change. Every clip I've seen of Biden is embarassing, the poor dude is too old for all this business. Trump himself is 76 years old as of right now. Do you really want to elect an 78 year old in 2024 who will finish his term aged 82?

AOC is the future.


The problem with that plan is that outside of her own district, many people know just how ignorant and naïve she is. She might very well be stupid as well. She has zero chance.


I contest that she is perceived as particularly 'stupid' due to being a young, attractive Woman. She's no dumber than Biden or Trump. Those two are certified clowns. She just gets a bad rap because people see young feminine Women as naive and incapable.

I'm sure many will vote for her due to her gender, ethnicity and progressive politics.


Fair point. Biden and Trump shouldn't be president either.


She's perceived as being stupid because she's stupid. Period. Age and gender have nothing to do with it.


It's hysterical that Trump supporters call other politicians stupid.

Pure comic gold.


Yeah, have you seen the "boot straps" speech?

I know CNN told you that were are stupid and uneducated but that doesn't make it true. The fact that you believed it kinda makes you stupid. But what is the point in going back and forth, calling each other stupid like 2yr olds? None.


I'm familiar with her boot straps comments. Nothing wrong with them. She's making an important point. Because you disagree with it, or don't understand it, doesn't make her "stupid".

Have you heard your cult leader claim you can get cancer form listening to a windmill? Yeah, I'd be proud to follow that kind of moron. LOL


Disagree with it? She didn't understand the expression because she's a fucking moron. And you call me stupid because I voted for Trump?


She understood it perfectly. You don't.
Which doesn't really matter. It's a metaphorical expression, which she was referencing to make a point.

And I actually didn't call you stupid. But if you think the "cancer from windmill sounds" guy is smart, then.....


That's some serious mental gymnastics you're doing there. If YOU think she's smart and I'm stupid, then I must be doing something right.


So you had nothing to come back with and tried an empty insult instead?

Not surprising.


Oh there was a point in there. Can't argue with stupid.


I know. That's why I don't bother trying.

I mean, I did waste a few seconds pointing out that the stupid things you were saying were wrong, but then when you have nothing to respond with, I won't bother arguing. I'll just laugh at your idiocy.


Nobody ever said that Trump didn't say dumb shit. He's his own worst enemy. I don't know where the cancer idea came from but he also said in the same speech that they kill the hell out of birds and your property value goes to shit. Both true.

Green energy does not work and you're retarded if you think it does.



Okay, yeah you are an idiot.


How am I an idiot? I agreed that the cancer comment was dumb.

Windmills kill the shit out of birds and they ruin your property value. No one wants to look at that. Facts.

Green energy does not work. Also fact.


You sure should be familiar with stupid because you wake up everyday with your stupid, ugly self.
You're extremely comfortable sharing your ugly stupidity on a daily basis. I'm sure you're proud, you fucking nazi.


On that note, welcome to my ignore list. All you do is troll my posts with nothing pertinent to say.


I don't see her as stupid because she's a young, attractive woman (I don't see her as particularly attractive, either). I see her as stupid because of the dumb things she says, the ideological nonsense she promotes, and her total ignorance of everything economical, social, and climatological.




The only reason people talk about her in the first place is because she is a young, attractive woman. You think if she was 300lbs with warts on her face anyone would give even half a shit about her idiotic socialism and “cow fart” ramblings? Absolutely not.

People are morons, especially anyone who would vote for her.


Just a vapid character attack to say she is ignorant or naive ... you are.
I don't see tens of thousands of people clamoring for you to go to DC,
or wanting to interview in the media.


I don't see tens of thousands of people clamoring for you to go to DC,
or wanting to interview in the media.

True, but the saddest part about all of this is that I am far more qualified to be a state rep than she is, and that isn't saying all that much.


Obviously a mental delusion on your part.




If you're not trolling than I feel sorry for whatever country bred you...


Why would I be trolling?

I'm not American so whoever becomes president makes no difference to my day to day life. I'm merely a spectator. I wouldn't mind Trump winning because he's entertaining and causes half the people online to lose their minds.

But AOC is beautiful and it would be cool to see her get more screentime.

Also I do think the presidency should be diversified. Pretty much every president ever has been an old White Man. Younger presidents. Female presidents. Ethnic minority presidents. It would all be great and AOC ticks all the boxes. Hispanics are the second most populace Americans after White people. They're projected to make up 30% of the US by 2050. One of them will be voted president at some point.

I say we kill a few birds with one stone here. Vote young, vote female, vote Hispanic.


You know you can just look at videos of her right? You can give her all the screentime you want. No need to let that retard anywhere near the football.


As I said in my previous post- I feel sorry for whatever country bred the original poster. It's really scary that people like this exist.


Based on the same poster's thread about Prey and how it's better than the original because the lead is attractive, it's either a coomer simp or a massive troll.


I'm thinking massive troll. Few people are too dumb to realize that what happens in the United States effects the entire world. It's been that way since WWII.




AOC is as dumb as a bag of dog shit.


I wouldn't say she's any dumber than Donald Trump or Joe Biden.

Evidently I.Q is not important when it comes to running for president.


Is that any different in your country? I’m not aware of any Western state giving an IQ test as a condition for political participation


Which would actually make her quite a bit more intelligent than you are.
Bummer, huh?


rump and his followers are an utter menace to society, which "dumb" falls under in spades.


the first Big Booty Latina Prez? thats hawt.

the Presidential theme song.


IMO, this is a dumb overall take that simply exists to rile people up. Neither is going to run for presidency in 24’


"Could you imagine AOC as president?"

Yes. I'd either die laughing, or die crying.

"Many European countries have had women as their state heads, it's time for the US to join the club."

I agree. I'm all for the US having a woman president. But AOC is not the woman for the job (and neither was Hillary Clinton). Whoever she is must be chosen on merit, not because of sex. She must be the president who happens to be a woman, not the president because she's a woman.
