
I just saw sunrise for the first time. I'm very impressed by it. There is, however one reason why this is not in my top ten: Murnau and humour.

Why did Murnau decide to kill such a moving story by adding such lame humour in the film

i mean the drunken pig, the drunken waiter, the girl with her shoulder thing

It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the film. From a very deep and moving story Murau just adds these banal childish humour!

Anyone else got something to say about that?

Ash: [for no apparent reason] ... Groovy.


I get what you mean actually, although I did like the humour. But it didnt bother me that much, and in hitchcock's films, for example, they have quite a lot of subtle humour in what would otherwise be thrillers, and I do like a bit of variety in tone of the film

Let's go inconspicuously...through the window.


Because life is filled with humour.

So sezeth I, so sezeth the world.


Yep... I like the idea of putting some "slapstick" in the middle of the highly dramatic beginning and end, just to lighten the mood a little. But you only need one or two of those scenes... a little goes a long way. I thought the humor went on too long and it dragged the second act down a lot.

There was never any dramatic tension either, they were just in love and happy. The beginning was so fantastic and so moving I was ready to give it a 10/10. The love story overall was beautiful, one of the best I've ever seen in a movie. Still a solid 9/10
