Idiot in my class

I had this guy in all my classes during my senior year of high school (I graduated on May 27th of this year) and throughout this year he said many things about movies that piss me off! Heres a list of all the stupid things he has said.

-Says the Star Wars prequals are BETTER than the original trilogy.

-Says the special effects in the original Star Wars movies suck. When I told him the effects won an academy award he responded with: "Probably just the lightsabers."

-Thinks all Disney movies (or animated movies in general) are for little kids.

-Thinks Lost in Space, Transformers 2, Catwoman (kept going on about how he thought Haley Barey was hot in it), and Batman and Robin are good movies. (BTW he once said the Batman movies suck because they kept changing the actor who played him, he also thinks Robin should be in the Christopher Nolan movies)

-Thinks I hate Spaceballs soley because I love Star Wars and would be offended by it parodying the original movies. (I actually like Spaceballs, but Hardware Wars is my favorite parody)

-One day I was talking with a teacher about how younger people today have no appreciation for older movies and he butted in by saying "Thats because we know whats good!"

-He always refers to movies like Dr.Strangelove, Metropolis, A Clockwork Orange, and a few others. As "movies no-one's ever heard of".

-Thought Gone with the Wind was about a dog.

-When I told him story is more important in a movie than special effects he told me I was crazy.

And the dumbest thing he has ever said is (and I quote):

-"If they remake a movie using today's technolgy it will be BETTER than the original."


I know those really have nothing to do with King Kong, so here a some things he said about that.

-Thinks Peter Jackson's version is better, and when I told him about how Jackson was inspired by it (therefore the remake would not exist without the original) he kept saying "The remake is better!"

-Kept going on about Kong in the '33 version "Looks like a stuffed animal they had do the stuff on the stage."

-When I told him about how no one had seen special effects like the ones in King Kong back in 1933 he said: "Well if you were to take the remake to back then they would be like (proceeds to make faces of exaggerated amazement)"

There you have it. I thought I might as well share my experience with someone so ridiculously uneducated about film.


it's really just a shame that people like that are allowed the opportunity to vote ... kind of explains why this country is in the state it is in ...

most people like that, as i'm sure you'll find out in your life, are spouting off only to get attention and to try and make themselves look "smart" by constantly being contrary to whatever views are espoused in the conversation ... did your teacher roll their eyes (or a similar non-verbal 'comment') when this person made their comment about younger people knowing what's good? that should tell you something lol ... most teachers stay indifferent out of habit since getting into an argument with a student isn't a good thing to do but occasionally they'll let a sharper student (as you appear to be) know their true feelings about another student or a comment the student has made ...

but as i mentioned at the outset, i'm afraid there will be lots of people like this whose path you will cross ... just grit your teeth and go on with your life ... don't waste time and energy on arguing with them or trying to get them to see things in another way ... people like that don't want to see things in another way ... they just want to run off at the mouth and act as if they are superior ... don't let it upset you ... just know that you have studied the subject matter and have arrived at a level headed opinion yet are open to reasonable viewpoints from others :)

was there even a dog IN 'Gone With The Wind'?? lol

take care,

"One star in the sky
so I named it Otis Redding"
-- John Hiatt


There's a lot of idiots in this world. Just a few moments ago on youtube, some dumb-ass said that Godzilla was more influential and overall "better" because there's been more Godzilla movies and toys, and because "King Kong was killed by biplanes".

Some peoples idiocy knows no bounds.


A whole genre of Japanese science fiction, for better and worse, wouldn't exist without GODZILLA....but would GODZILLA have been made if KING KONG didn't exist? Toho's special effects man Eiji Tsuburaya was a big fan of the original KING KONG and dreamed of creating an iconic monster of his own.


Well, that's why you called him an idiot - that's what he is. You can't with reason somebody that doesn't have a brain.


I'm in Grade 8, and, I'm one of the only students who are open, appreciative, are into classic films AND newer ones, they have to be good though, and have VARIETY.

I *beep* hate this generation, and CANADA is where it happens.

I really want to move to, the US, or the UK.



Why does it bother you so much, OP? And how does that make him an idiot?

I would certainly disagree with his film taste, but thats what makes film so great...its subjective. If someone's favorite movie is Catwoman and they hate Kubrick films what does it matter? I will like what I like and they will like what they like (Catwoman or whatever).

I guess I just don't understand why people get mad when someone disagrees with their film choices. It doesn't bother me in the slightest.


It wasn't that I hated that he disliked older movies, I was more angered at how petty his reasons for disliking them were, I mean he said the original King Kong sucks solely because the special effects don't compare with today's standards. That seemed to be a consistent criticism he had, he would say whether or not a movie was bad based solely on the quality of the special effects, and if the movie was made before the advent of CGI then it was doomed from the start. If the movie had a remake then to him the remake was better by default.

I'm also mostly saddened by how he personifies the modern moviegoer, adoring the latest Hollywood blockbuster and being blissfully unaware of timeless classics and if he is aware promptly declares them to be terrible because they don't have a bunch of CGI, explosions, and ADHD editing.

In regards to the idiot remark, maybe it wasn't appropriate in this context but if you were to talk to this person he displayed a lot of ignorance with other topics. For example he thinks the United States is a christian nation despite our constitution and founding fathers saying otherwise, and when I brought up the freedom of religion part of the first amendment he said it only applied to christianity.

Anyway it's been 3 years I've moved on, this thread was made when this person was still fresh in my mind and I wanted to see what people thought of the things he said.


Wow. I'm not entirely sure about the 4th and 8th thing, but everything else you described in your original post reminds me of this guy:

Dream by night, wish by day...
[Formerly CosmosX9]


i've come across many idiots like that myself, it's never pleasant when they make themselves known, if i met that guy you speak of, i think i might have killed him, don't know how you didn't, that's some remarkable restraint on your part. the things you quote him saying remind me a lot of the mentality that went around my school, immature, self righteous, narcissistic and unbelievably arrogant, not nice memories. watch out for people like that, they're everywhere, dam philistines.


I know how you feel. There is someone in my school who is LITERALLY just like that

-Thinks that any movie in black and white is stupid
-Thinks that no one cares about story/character development or depth in movies
-Thinks Battleship and Transformers are the best movies ever
-When I said that Avatar basically ripped off the plot of Dances with Wolves, he referred to DwW as "an old movie no one's heard of"
-Has never heard of the Sopranos


Give them time. Can anyone say they have never been an idiot?


I hope your friend died.
