Favourite Quotes

My favourite quote is when Vadash gets out of the cab and pays the driver and says, "Here, keep the change, send your boys through college."

Hee hee.


This movie had some great lines both funny and moving....

"The boss hands you the envelope. You wonder how much is in it, and you don't want to open it. As long as the envelope's closed, you're a millionaire."

"Is that more expensive than a nervous breakdown?"

"If you don't like Miss Novak I can tell you right now, you're not going to like this girl" (my favorite)

Vesele Vianoce!!!! http://www.iarelative.com/czech/xmas/index.html



"As long as the envelope's closed, you're a millionaire."

"Madame meets many people, but she usually avoids the mad ones."


The letter:
"Are you tall? Are you short?

"Are your eyes blue? Are they brown?
Don't tell me.

"What does it matter
so long as our minds meet?"


We, too, love this movie and always try to watch it each Christmas. two of my favorite lines are:

Psychologically, I'm very confused... But personally, I don't feel bad at all.


Doctor: It appears to be an acute epileptoid manifestation and a pan phobic melancholiac with indication of a neurasthenia cordus.
Pepi: Is that more expensive than a nervous breakdown?

And I always get a chuckle from the final scene with his raising his pants to show his legs to her. Socks with garters just like my dad used to wear before sock had elastic in them...


The entire subplot with the musical cigarette box is so well done. When Vadas is thrown out of the shop, the large, unsold inventory of these boxes gets knocked onto the floor, setting off the music. The clerks all RACE to pick them up. It's so obvious that they're sick of hearing that song. They had to hear it each time they tried to sell one... with little success.


All of my favorite scenes in this movie involve Pirovitch(Felix Bressart)and he delivers the punch lines.

'Why kid yourself?'
'If you don't like Miss Novak you won't like her, because she is Miss Novak.'
and of course, 'You'll get the wallet'.

I also love how he scurries off whenever the boss wants an honest opinion.

Awesome deliveries, he is by far my favorite character and actor, in this particular film.

Always the officiant, never the bride.


I also liked it when Pirovitch says to that cocky Pepi after he was made a clerk for saving Mr. Matuschek's life, "Why would anyone do such a cruel thing". Also, Kralik wanting some bi-carbonate of soda because he had a little too much goose liver at the Matuschek's dinner party the night before, and Vadash questioned his loyalty, and Kralik says, "Did anyone hear me say that I didn't like the goose liver? I just had a little too much of it".


I'm probably going to misquote this, but it's close. Pirovitch to Kralik: "He called me an idiot the other day. I said, 'Yes, Mr. Matuschek, I'm an idiot.' I'm no fool!"


That's how he said it.


Matuschek pats Pepi on the arm and says "Pepi, you know what I think about you!"

This line exemplifies the sly, subtle humor in this movie. We are left to wonder exactly what Matuschek really does think of Pepi, who has been both irritant and archangel.

It also exemplifies the so-called "Lubitsch touch," as the fabled director deftly steers us to the humor in the situation and allows us to find it for ourselves. We appreciate it all the more.


Mine is when Pirovitch is spying through the cafe window:

Kralik, she’s dunking!


"Mr Kralik? I don't like you."


Two quotes really captured me---

FIRST - the dunking donuts quote already mentioned by others:

Pirovitch: (Straining on tiptoes to peer through the restaurant window) Wait a minute… I think I see her!
Kralik: Yeah?
Pirovitch: Right here by the window… Yes!... Anna Karenina … by Tolstoy…
Kralik: That’s right…
Pirovitch: … and a carnation!
Kralik: Anh huh
Pirovitch: (Straining) I can’t see her face. She’s sitting behind a clothes rack. I see a.. cup of coffee on the table…
Kralik: yeah?
Pirovitch: …she’s taking piece of cake…
Kralik: unh huh
Pirovitch: ….ye…Kralik! … She's dunking!
Kralik: Well… why shouldn't she dunk?
Pirovitch: oh (shaking head) …all right.. all right (…whatever…)


Mr. Kralik: (Sitting by the bedside of the ailing Miss Novak): You know, Christmas is coming soon, and we’re certainly going to miss a good little worker like you in the shop. So, you’d better get well.
Miss Novak: I’m sure I’ll be all right in a day or two.
Mr. Kralik: But that doesn’t mean that you should neglect yourself. Now, I’m very serious about this. Because I feel more or less responsible for the whole thing.
Miss Novak: You?
Mr. Kralik: Yes, I..
Miss Novak: Oh no (chuckling), Mr. Kralik -- Oh no I think I can relieve your mind. It wasn’t your fault at all. No – there’s a much bigger reason… unfortunately (looking sadly).
Mr. Kralik: Well don’t you think you ought to call a doctor?
Miss Novak: Oh no, I don’t need to see a doctor. No, my trouble is what one might call… psychological.
Mr. Kralik: Oh, unh huh
Miss Novak: Well it’s my own personal problem, and, I’ll come out of it.
Mr. Kralik: Oh, I’m sorry. It’s a shame you have to go through all this. Of course as long as it’s only psychological, you won’t…
Miss Novak: Only psychological!? Mr. Kralik, it's true we’re in the same room, but we're not in the same planet.
Mr. Kralik: (Awestruck) Why Miss Novak. Although I'm the victim of your remark, I can't help admiring the exquisite way you have of expressing yourself. You certainly know how to put a man in his planet.
