you've got mail

I'm not extremely well-versed in either movie, but on the surface this movie reminded me in all the crucial elements of Hanks and Ryan in "You've Got Mail". Anyone agree or disagree?


You've Got Mail is based on the play and does not use the this film as a source for the screenplay. It's not a remake, it only acknowledges the first adaptation - it's called an homage. YGM is a very pleasant film.



They're both based on the same play. Actually, according to IMDb, there are a number of movies based on this play, most not very well known. I'm watching one of them now..."In the Good Old Summertime".

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


To me You've Got Mail has more fluff than The Shop Around the Corner. Just because it has technology, and is more modern ,does not mean it cant be more cheesy, then the previous one.

This isn't the original. Yes. I saw You Got Mail first. I was watching Shop around the Corner so many things seemed familiar. I like The Shop Around The Corner better. You've Got Mail does not compare.

You've Got Mail isn't better just because they added technology to it. The romance is not believable at all. Meg and Tom relationship was too coarse to believe, they would fall in love even if they were pin pals. They had no chemistry.

The Shop Around The Corner is charming and funny. Jimmy Stewart and Margaret Sullivan had charming and sweet chemistry. These two liked each other in the beginning. She thought that by teasing him she would win him over. He took offense to it. Then it just escalated from there. They got to know each other when working together in a little business together. She did not hate him. When Jimmy lost his job she was not happy about it. This movie has some sad but realistic situation in it for example Matuschek's wife is rich but bored and has affair with a younger man. He tries to kill himself when he finds out his wife cheating. When Jimmy Stewart get fired he decides against proposing to his pin pal.

I have not seen the original movie. So I cant comment on it.


That's what it's based on. I haven't seen "You've got Mail", but then I don't need to, since I know the story. "In the Good Old Summertime", was based on "The Shop Around the Corner", too.But, it was set in Chicago in the early 20th Century, and in a music store, and it had Judy Garland so it's not hard to figure out that it's a musical.


And in the beginning of You've Got Mail, Tom Hanks' character's father admits to being pen pals with Meg Ryan's character's mother--another nod to the original.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
