James Stewart

I am a huge fan of Jimmy. I love the part at the end when he puts the carnation into his lapel and Margaret realises who he is.


i love that part too! it's like the sweetest moment in movie history haha. i love how james stewart is wearing his hat too in that scene. it's not a huge thing but i always notice it and it's jsut really adorable.


Yup. Love that hat.



oh i know
my heart gets caught in my throat and stomach does somersaults every time he says
- oh klara darling i wish you'd take me out of post office box 273 take me ut of my envelope and kiss me -
and jimmy's holding margaret by the shoulders and just not letting go and she hasn't fully realized so a part of her doesn't want to give in
after the first time i saw that moment i named my car afgter him
he's just too perfect
and i don't even go for taller guys


I just got to chime in with you. :-)

I love Jimmy very much in this movie, and the way he plays the ending is just the sweetest, most romantic piece of acting I ever saw. I could watch it over and over.


I'm such a sap. I bawled my eyes out at that beautiful ending. I loved it! Jimmy was just so romantic. I also love when he finds out that she's his penpal and walks into the little cafe. Just the way he acts after that. Oh heck, I just love Jimmy!


the way he plays the ending is just the sweetest, most romantic piece of acting I ever saw

I fell in love with Jimmy Stewart at that moment.


Oh that part with the carnation was just the most wonderful part of this wonderful film!

I absolutely adore Jimmy Stewart. Nobody played the awkward sweet guy like he did. He was so beautiful when he was young too.



The ending of The Shop Around The Corner has echoes of the ending of City Lights, as it appears to me. Meaning not plagiarism but shared and fine qualities.


Jimmy character is so romantic. I want guy like that. Nobody plays the sweet awkward charming character like him.


The way he just looks at her intensely is what really gets me and makes me swoon. What a beautiful man!!!!

Giving you a slow-clap, SeƱor Chang style.


Doesn't it make you wonder why no movie star of the present era can hold a candle to someone like Jimmy Stewart? He was absolutely wonderful, adorable and a great actor. He and Gary Cooper were about the one two stars who could convey that sweet shyness. Coop was far handsomer, but Jimmy was darling in his own way.


James Stewart was great in this film. And not to mention how beautiful and handsome he was. I would like to be on Klara's place in this movie.


Bit late to the party, aren't I? But still. Gosh I love Jimmy. -points to signature- And yes, that part just made me squeal like anything! And when he smiles, oh, my goodness. (: And the fact that he wore garters made me crack up so much! Oh, I love that man!

I'm in love with Jimmy Stewart and I'm gonna find a guy just like him and marry him. <3


You have EXCELLENT taste! I would like to find an older version and marry him too!

"A man's kiss is his signature" -- Mae West


Stewart was the best all around Actor in old Hollywood.
