James Stewart

I am a huge fan of Jimmy. I love the part at the end when he puts the carnation into his lapel and Margaret realises who he is.


Jimmy isn't my favorite actor from that time, but in this movie he's just so perfect. He's so rude and funny in the first half, then once he finds out it's her, he's so romantic. And can I just say, he's very handsome in this movie? Maybe it's the hat and the coat. Or maybe it's cause everything about this movie seems very real and he acts so real. The chemistry between them is magnetic as well. He either really did have a crush on her or they really got along or both. It's one of my favorite romantic movies and a favorite at Christmas time. My fiance love this movie too.


I really like James Stewart. He was in a lot of great films, and he always gave a terrific performance.

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
