MovieChat Forums > Penny Serenade (1941) Discussion > That stupid hand written letter spoiled ...

That stupid hand written letter spoiled the movie -SPOILER

I was really enjoying this movie until the final scenes when the letter was sent informing the death of the little girl.

I struggled to read the slanted hand written words, and only managed to decypher 'ill'. When the woman cried I presumed the girl had died but I wasn't sure.

Later we saw the girl wasn't there, but I was still puzzled what had gone on.

It was only Cary Grant telling us in very mixed-up language that the girl had been ill and died suddenly.

I thought this was a very bad moment in the movie. What should have been done was when the woman was reading the letter, a voice of the 'mother' should have been heard reading out the words too.

What do others think?


It was tradition back in the day to have text on the screen. It was *never* read by a narrator. Nowadays you would see a close up of the actor reading a piece of paper.
