MovieChat Forums > Casablanca (1943) Discussion > Brazzaville? Why Brazzaville?

Brazzaville? Why Brazzaville?

Of all the places they could go, including Lisbon (who's to stop them?) why go to sub-Saharan Africa? Am I missing something?


Because Brazzaville was controlled by the Free French. Lisbon was not; Portugal was neutral. They were picking a side.


Kind of relevant. The other day I learned that Portugal and Great Britain have the longest running alliance still active to this day, first drafted under the Anglo-Portuguese Treaty of 1373 C.E. (A.D.). Thought I throw this out here. It would not have come into play during WWII unless Portugal was attacked or provoked. Carry on.



Cuz that's where the sequel was gonna take place. ;). (no seriously there was a sequel named Brazzaville planned).


It's unfortunate that it never happened.


I wonder if it was made, then Bogart would had pushed for Lauren Bacall to be cast?


If it ended up being produced after "To Have and Have Not," then I think that might have been a possibility.


They should totally do a followup sequel today. Why not? Everything else is getting sequels.


There was a Free French battalion stationed there, one of the few places at that time where Free French resistance was going on.
