Best Lines and quotes.

There is a lot of great lines of dialogue in here. I'd like to hear some of yours. Here are a few of mine: "Money, I hate, loathe, despise and abominate money...You also spend it." "I've worked all my life to be a Senior". "A while back I kicked her down the cellar steps, I could hear her spine hit on every step".{Marjorie Main about Agnes' cat}. "Personally, I think I have to much bloom". Just a few of my faves, How about You?


"I-I hate you, Mr. Brockhoff." "I'm the most horrible, I'm the most horrible!" "I can't handle twenty men alone! I admit it!" "You should have been a brunette."
Those are some of my faves. I love this movie, btw. Such a great old-timey classic. Really brings out the flavor of the early 1900s.


This isn't word for word, but I love the Halloween fight, when the father announces they're moving:

Mrs. Smith "What about grandpa, and Katie, and the chickens?"

Mr. Smith: "that's a minor detail we'll discuss later."

Grandpa: "so I'm a minor detail, am I?"

Mr. Smith: "Now we all know I was talking about the chickens."

Mrs. Smith: "Fine, never mind what happens to your family, at a time like this talk about the chickens!"


Ha ha ha... That's my favorite part too! So funny!! :D :D :D


I think my absolute fav is when Toody is talking about her doll to the ice man (at the beginning of the movie):

Toody: "She has four fatal diseases"

Ice Man (sorry - i forget his name): "And it only takes one"


It's Mr. Neely. And that is a good one. :)






i love it when rose is trying to make *cant remember his name* the dude on the fone jealous she says 'i think i hear joe now' and grandpa lifts up the table cloth 'hello joe' THATS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you see something that looks like a stamp...........don't lick it

~Darlene Connor


mine was when Grandpa was comforting Esther and telling her how he remembered taking her grandmother to their first dance and she was crying just the way Esther was. I can't remember exactly what he said, but if someone can post it, I express many thanks.


The grandpa was telling Esther that when he took her deceased grandma on a date that she cried just like esther

Call it what you want cause when u call it imma carry it


My fave also!!


hehe, actually i think she said "I have four fratal diseases" Lol


I love the whole Warren Sheffield proposal.

Greatest movie proposal ever!!!!


Oh yeah! I love that part!

The way he points to her and says, "I love you!" Then stomps back out.


El Paso, Texas...ever heard of it?


(Anna, Esther and Rose are breaking the news to Mr. Smith, that dinner will be an hour early)

Anna: "It's on Katie's account. (whisper) Her sister is fighting with her husband."

Mr. Smith (mocking the whisper): "I see. And, I suppose that they'll stop fighting, if I don't take a bath."


(Halloween night, after Col. Darly drives Rose home with the ice cream)

Rose: "We just ran into each other."

Esther: "Accidently??"

Rose: "Almost!"


(At the Christmas ball, where the sisters have just met Lucille Ballard)

Rose (to Grandpa, about Lucille's dance card): "I'll just go see if I can find it."

Grandpa: "Try looking in your hand."


I have to agree with delrod! That prosposal was sooo funny, Mr. Smith's reaction was priceless!!! I've always like the quote, "I don't hate you, I just hate basketball." I'm not sure if it's the right quote, but I still like that one.


"Oh, no, John, I don't hate you! I just hate basketball!"

Yes, that's my favorite line by far. I happen to love basketball (and just about every other sport), but I get a kick out of that line every time. I love this movie so much.


I love ALL of the aforementioned quotes, plus:

Anna: Mr. Smith likes it on the sweet side.
Katie: All men like it on the sweet side!

Agnes: Rose, what'd you get me for Christmas? I hope it's a hunting knife!

Esther: Don't you think I could be a sensation without the corset?

Mr. Smith: I'm sorry I kept you all waiting. I was just taking a little RIDE before dinner! (firmly places a skate in front of Tootie)

Rose: My dear, when you get to be my age you'll realize there are more important things than BOYS (she's what, a year older?).

John Truitt: I can't seem to find my hat anywhere, gosh darn it. Oh oh, pardon the expression.

Agnes: Did anyone hear a noise just now?
Grandpa: Did it go like this: "oooohhhhhhhhh"?
Agnes: uh-huh
Grandpa: I didn't hear it.

Grandpa: You know it is customary in China that when a man admires one of your possessions, it is polite to offer it to him.
Young dancer: That's very interesting (is about to steer Esther off).
Grandpa: I spent a great many years in China, and if you want to make me feel at home you might offer me your dance partner.
Dancer: "HUH?"
Grandpa: Spoken like a gentleman (whisks Esther away).


I think just about every line in that movie is worth quoting. :D



This movie is one of my favorites and I watch it probably at least once a year. There are so many classic lines and funny moments, just to name a few:

Marjorie Main (the housekeeper) is absolutely hysterical everytime she opens her mouth. For example:
When they are planning to have dinner early and Agnes says she can't possibly eat until it's dark. Marjorie says, "Well you'll just have to eat blindfolded". Also when Marjorie makes up the story about having to leave early and that's why dinner has to be served early, "My sister is having trouble with her husband, him being a man".

I like the grandfather too. When they keep the secret from the father and the grandfather says, "Your father is not supposed to know. It's enough that we are letting him work hard to support the lot of us. He can't have everything."

And at the Christmas dance when Esther is dancing with all the geeks and her grandfather tries to cut in and tells some tale about China to the current geek and the kid looks completely baffled and says "HUUH!. The grandfather replies, "Spoken like a gentleman!"

My favorite moment is Judy Garland singing "Have yourself a merry little Christmas". She is so beautiful in that scene.

I also just love the "Tootie" character. She is so wise beyond her years.
All in all a truly great movie!


Finest Christmas song of them all.


I love this exchange:

Rose: Es, darling, what is it?
Esther: Nothing. I just wish I were dead, that's all.
R: Did something happen with John?
E: He can't take me to the dance.
R: Why not?
E: His father's suit's locked up at the tailor's.
R: Oh, that's awful, you poor dear, but don't worry. Lon will take the both of us.
E: You don't think I'm going to the smartest ball of the season with my brother, do you?!
R: Well, I like that! You wanted me to go with him!
E: That was different. You didn't have a date.
R: Neither have you!
E: Well, I had one.
R: If Lon's good enough to take me, then he's good enough for you. Besides, you have to go. I can't handle 20 men alone; I admit it.
E: One sister going with her brother has been done, but two sisters makes the family look ridiculous! I won't do it!
R: We'll see what Mama has to say about that.
