MovieChat Forums > Meet Me in St. Louis Discussion > Judy's Bangs ! ? ! ? ! ?

Judy's Bangs ! ? ! ? ! ?

I love this film. . .

However, in other posts folks have said how they didn't like her hair-do or thought it didn't flatter her. . .

Every time I see this film I find the bangs really jarring.

Mostly because they don't seem humanly possible.

Whataya think?

Any stylist out there who can shine some light on this mystery. True to the period of the film? True to the styles of the 40's?



Actually, if anyone is interested it is not Judy's real hair. She is wearing a wig in MMISL. I'm not too much of a fan of the wig at all. I prefer the wig they had on her in "The Pirate" and "The Wizard of Oz" much more!


The first time I watched this 2 years ago, it was jarring.

On this Christmas re-watch, I found it nifty.

It's unique, spunky, and cute.
