Favorite Line?

What is everyone's favorite line from this movie? Mine is when Clarence Day, Sr. sees the rubber plant again and says something along the lines of "Get this botanical freak out of here!" Cracks me up everytime!


I just watched the DVD of this.

I love it when Vinnie is explaining the bills to Clarence Sr in the den. I totally see where she is coming from (even though technically Clarence IS correct).

Also, when she is reasoning that they wouldn't be charged for the pug dog or the suit in the dining room.

Women's Right To Vote-100 Years.


Also, when she is reasoning that they wouldn't be charged for the pug dog or the suit in the dining room

Yes, Powell's comic timing in this scene when he ends up confusing himself is so good that I actually burst out laughing, well, chuckling. Most comedy films are lucky to raise a smile.


"And that's another fifty cents you owe me, and you can just hand it right over..."

Small Town Sim
Hey! Don't you ever knock?


I love it when the reverend is praying for Vinnie, and he asks God to "forgive this miserable sinner" and Mr. Day interrupts him with, "She's NOT a miserable sinner. God, you know Vinnie is not a miserable sinner. Have mercy! Have mercy, I say!"


I like Father's line "They can't keep me out of Heaven on a technicality!" I think that is so funny.


Lady at the employment agency: I can't release one of my girls go without knowing the character of the home in which she'll be staying.

Clarence Day Sr.: Madam, I am the character of my home!

Funny on so many levels.


Oh, there are so many. But my very favorite? Heck, that's easy: "Oh Gaaaaaaad!"


Mine is from the scene where father is raving in his library, directing his comments to everything from the furniture to the new maid who just happens to be in the hallway. Of course, from her point of view, Mr Day is speaking directly to her, she's so frightened she falls down the stairs. Mrs. Day asks, what did you say to her, Clare...He replies....

I haven't even seen her since breakfast.


"SHE was the Methodist"


Every one of you previous poster FLUNK your movie IQ test.

Far and away...the funniest line of this movie is when the lady aunt asks the youngest son if he has been a good boy, while she has been gone...and he simply answers......NO!


"You'll be a man before your mother!"
