MovieChat Forums > Father of the Bride (1950) Discussion > What is your favorite part of this movie...

What is your favorite part of this movie?

One of my favorite parts is father and daughter sitting in the kitchen the night before the wedding after Spencer Tracy has that awful nightmare. He reassures her, and tells her to just take his arm and it will be OK. It`s a sweet and funny moment. I also love the end, where the parents are dancing.
Anyone out there have a faverite moment?


When Ellie and Kay come home from shopping, laden with packages, and Stanley mistakenly reads the list of Kay's trousseau -- dresses with shoes/hat/bag to match. The well-dressed woman of that era would always wear matching everything. Also when Stanley finds out that the orchestra for the reception is "only" $85.00!


That was funny and cute.


I liked the part where Stanley and Ellie drive over to the future inlaw's house, whom they've never met before. Stanley is certain they are dirt poor and must live in a shack. Then the camera focuses on their nice big house. The look on Stanley's face was priceless.

I liked that whole scene where Stanley and Ellie meet the future inlaws, and Stanley proceeds to drink copious amounts of all sorts of alcoholic beverages, until he finally nods off.

Funny part too was when Stanley tries to fit into his old formal attire, barely fitting into it, and barely admitting to himself that yes, maybe he has put on a few pounds! lol

All things considered, I think the best part of the movie was the very end, where Stanley muses to himself what the marriage (and "loss") of his daughter really means to him. That is still so moving!

"Nice beaver!"
"Thank you, I just had it stuffed."

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!


So many great moments. What the heck! The whole movie was just plain great!


When my one and only daughter was married this past April, I found myself quite surprised at the scene from this movie which came to my mind, and has become my favorite scene...

Stanley Banks runs into his daughter Kay's room to hustle her to the waiting limo, to go to the church, and it is the first time that he sees her in her wedding dress. I don't recall the lines, but he is so in awe of his little girl as a bride that his entire attitude changes.

I can vouch for the fact that it *is* a life-changing moment!


Oh, that`s got to be wonderful! As the mother of an only son, I`ll never know what that must be like. I love that scene too. He`s so frzzled with the commotion, but one look at her in her gown is such a beautiful moment....
I also have to add another moment. I really loved Ellie`s "mother of the bride" outfit. She truly was beautiful , and Stanley was so right. In my opinion, she really did upstage the bride!


Lot's of favorites, but the one that always gives me the giggles is when Aunt Hattie (probably Harriet) is stuck at the train station. Ellie tells Stan to tell Hattie to go jump in the river (because they can't wait). Stan starts to tell Hattie that's there's a river... (to jump into), but catches himself for completing it.

The old biddie. Obviously Aunt Hattie is on Ellie's side of the family.


Agreed, it's definitely one of the most poignant moments in the movie. It's the whole reason he put up with all the nonsense.

I also love when he remarks on her perfect pause before entering the church. "...with the calmness of a general watching his forces deploy into battle."


The whole movie is so great, it's hard to pick a favorite scene. Spencer Tracy is hilarious, especially when he's trying on his old tux.


That was so funny!


I think my favorite part is the wedding rehearsal where Spencer Tracy's character thinks it's going to be a long drawn out affair and it's a rushed and chaotic experience...and then out the door they go before he even realizes what's happened. Hilarious!



So much to love in this movie--the acting was great all around, even in the small supporting roles. And credit must go to the screenwriters and to the novelist Edward Streeter; they gave the cast great material to work with.

I always laugh aloud at the scene near the beginning of the movie, when Stan and Ellie are getting ready for bed, and he starts to talk about how little they know about Buckley. He works himself up into a lather--"As soon as the food starts to get a little bad...", and "...put a bullet into the back of her head and never blink an eye".

Steve Martin could not--and did not--ever even hold a candle to Spencer Tracy's performance.


When the Banks visits Buckley's parents. They start calling each other Mr. Banks and Mr. Dunstan, later they are simply Stanley and Herbert and finally after the 1st martini they are just Stan and Herb!

The whole scene made laugh from start to finish.


Stanley's nightmare the night before the wedding - makes me laugh out loud every time I see this movie!

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes


I love Joan Bennett's comment on Tracy's appearance in the jacket he grew out of some 20 years before.

"If that button gets away it's going to put out someone's eye!"


The nightmare was my favorite scene as well.

All those eyes -- and those condemning faces. The vulnerability he must have felt with all his clothes being stripped away -- literally in strips. And that scream! It was great.


At the party when Stanley's trying to unload the martinis, and everyone is asking for every other kind of cocktail, and finally the teenager come in asking for a "couple of Cokes" and Stanley looks at him like he's speaking another language.


I agree that the nightmare was great. All the horrified guests, his wife and daughter screaming, the rubbery church aisle -- it could have come out of the Twilight Zone! Also, I like the parents' dance in the last scene.


When Ellie comes home carrying a bunch of packages and reaches in her purse and hands Stanley a small square of gauzy fabric (sample) saying "Isn't that pretty? That's what the bridesmaids are going to wear." Stanley replies, "Aren't you afraid of the cops?!" Also when he goes up to ask Kay to elope and then Ellie comes to the door and he acts like it's Kay's idea...."What're you trying to do? Get me in trouble?!"

Many many others, the movie's a goldmine of wonderful scenes.

also, "'s the quiet ones you have to watch out for......he'd put a bullet in her neck and never turn a hair!" -- so hilarious!
