MovieChat Forums > I Love Lucy (1951) Discussion > I Love Lucy vs Seinfeld

I Love Lucy vs Seinfeld

Which sitcom, between these two, is the GOAT?


It would be better to pit I Love Lucy vs Friends. Seinfeld would be better paired vs The Office.


I don't think The Office is very good after its third season. I also think I Love Lucy is VASTLY superior to Friends (but then, so is an enema performed with shards of broken glass...).


I Love Lucy is far better. It was innovative for so many reasons. Seinfeld has it's moments, but it is not better than I Love Lucy


Anything on TV in the 50s was innovative, Chip. Anything. It was virgin territory. Desi Arnez INVENTED the “re-run,” so he and Lucy could take vacations. But “innovative” does not, in and of itself, mean “good.” Nazism was innovative, but not good. I am strongly biased against slapstick and loudness, so Lucy sucks and not in a good way. I prefer cerebral humor, so Cheers and Seinfeld ‘WAY over I Hate Lucy.


If you "hate" ILL, what are doing here trolling?

We will see the likes of Jerry Seinfeld and shows like "Cheers" again. There will never be another Lucille Ball.


Thanks Gary


I Love Lucy


I Love Lucy


I would rank The Simpsons or Malcolm In The Middle (both families with children) over Lucy and Seinfeld. I've never liked Lucy. Seinfeld will become outdated, and oftentimes is just too mean... hilarious, but mean. I really liked Everybody Loves Raymond, but also too mean.


You gotta try Always Sunny


Thanks! I'll take it out for a spin.


Oh, God, I weep for the future..."too mean"...I guess it's for the best. The West is going to be conquered by a nation or nations who don't fear hurting a few feelings every now and then.

Aside from that, I'll grant the first eight or so seasons of The Simpsons were very good, but that show should have been put to rest a LONG time ago. It hasn't been funny since the last century.


Everyone on Seinfeld is annoying. I know a lot of humour comes from Lucy's antics but I never felt she was annoying to the viewers the way they are on Seinfeld.


How are they annoying?


On Seinfeld? All their complaining for a start.


Complaining about what?


Wow, you picked the two greatest sitcoms of all time. I'd say I Love Lucy might resonate more with people 100 years from now. It's more gag oriented and not as culturally specific. Seinfeld is very hip urban and Jewish. It might not have as broad an appeal.
