MovieChat Forums > The Fly (1958) Discussion > So wouldn't a human with a fly's head ha...

So wouldn't a human with a fly's head have a fly's brain?

The fly with the human head certainly does. You would expect a human with a fly's head to be making buzzing noises, stick it's head into garbage cans and not have any memory of being human or think about much of anything at all.

TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.


LOL... yes!


He does "type" that he feels that he is very quickly losing his humanity.

As mentioned in another board, how he sees the keys thru his compound fly-eyes is a mystery, especially with the hood over his head.
(He types pretty fast with only one hand, too, but that's a skill many guys have developed . . or so I hear.)

You Fill Me with Inertia


I thought it was explained that he's losing his humanity and becoming a full-fledged fly-human. Being able to type with one hand may have been him getting fly traits. What Andre didn't anticipate was the fly becoming a scientist-fly or human-fly. If the spider and Charas didn't kill it, then the fly with the white head would have an interesting story to tell and may have been able to re-create the transporter. Of course you have to tie up the fly-human or else it would try to leave.


You would expect a human with a fly's head to be making buzzing noises,

Why? The buzzing is from the wings. Unless you think flies buzz with their throats or something.

Can't stop the signal.



Damn, Caleb, this is you before IMDb closed.


If you want to get real factual, wouldn't the size stay the same as well. Small fly head on a human body and giant human head on the fly?


Always bugged me this issue. How could a flies brain wright on a blackboard. The film makers certainly didn't think this one through. You would have thought Vinny would have mentioned it.


Andre BECOMES more fly-like throughout the film, just as the fly becomes more human like. Gues their brain athoms are still changing.

It's actually explained in the movie.

The fly btw clearly doesn't have a human brain until late in the film. Or it woulnd't have escaped, it would have wanted to get back into the lab.


I vaguely remember some cartoon parody to this effect. Does that sound familiar to anyone?


a fly's brain is actually not located in its head but in its stomach. so really, the scientist would have no brain at all. he'd just be dead. that, or his consciousness would be on the little fly that has the human head.
