Fave MST3K Quotes

Jan in a pan!!


HELP ME!!! I'm in another dimension, waaaahhhh!!! Help me, I'm still here, I can't get out!!!!!

Kurt: Like my arm. Withered and deformed.
Servo: Oh, his left one's pretty bad too.

[Bill looking at Jan, after seeing Kurt dead with his arm torn off]
Crow: I'm impressed, but how?

"If Tom Cruise and John Travolta don't come outta da closet I'm gonna cap dis bitch."


what about her soul?
its in the car.

look at those rats... there cooked!


Stop sign? what stop sign?
Curve? What curve?

I laughed out loud when that was said when I watched the DVD last night!

The not to distant future really is not to distant, in fact, it may just be next Sunday A.D.!


Just watched this last night and I agree, this is one of the better MST3Ks.


Jan: let me die
Servo: oh YOUR WELCOME honey

Dr Cortner discovers Kurts body

Servo: Lucy Im home LUCY OH MY GOD!

Crow: oh good one kurt
Servo: kurt remind me why did I hire you
Mike: Kurt this is coming out of your paycheck.


"He's dead, I can't do any harm."
"But what does turning them into clowns prove, John?"

"Stop massaging the heart."
"You're enjoying it too much."



"You're not my father, you're Hitler!"

(after the assistant's arm gets ripped off)
"NOW will you change my neck juice?"

"First, how 'bout a Pop*Tart? You can't say no to that!"

I can't see my forehead, what's your problem?


Stop sign? what stop sign?
Curve? What curve?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Crow: Doesn't she need lungs?
Servo: No, she's got neck juice!

Crow: Oh, the neck juice
Mike: It has no fat and half the salt

Bill: There are ways
(Servo laughs evil)
Bill: There are ways
Mike: Lots of ways. Many ways. Did I mention there are ways?
Crow: Ways!

Jan: Let me die
Crow: After you cleaned your room

Servo: 21? She's over 41

Mike: I've got it. If I wander around here some more it'll keep the budget down

Jan: I'm only a head
Crow: That can't say no

Crow: Hey, what kind of town is this? I wanna move there right now!

Crow: This block is happening!

Mike: Contestant # 3 slipped and her head fell off
Servo: I'll take her! I'll take her!

Bill: We can even freeze areas of the skin. Sand away damaged skin tissues
Crow: We got little Gnomes that go in and take care of it

Servo: Whoa! Whoa! You're spitting in her neck juice!

Mike: I guess you can call that a Farewell to Arms

Crow: He should just pull his real arm from under his jacket

Mike: Ironically, he collapses into an arm chair

"What business is it of yours where I'm from, friendo?" - Anton Chigurh, No Country for Old Men


I love that final "Ways!"


"Thank you...but I'm too cool for emergencies."

"Honey roasted...get it?"

"Oh thank you, God! Thank you so BLOODY much!"

"Say, this may actually be an upgrade..."

"So you're saying you're not into dismemberment?"

"It's been sleazy and all..."

"You're listening to KPORN."


[As Dr Cortner carries Jan's head away]
"Hope I don't meet anyone. This would be so easy to misconstrue."

"Have at him. We'll make it a closed casket."

"And how was MY day? Oh never mind!"

Dr Cortner Sr - I knew I should have sold that house after your mother died.
"What - mom's dead?"

[When the mannish stripper starts to disrobe]
Mike "No. No! Don't you dare!"


*After Kurt describes his malformed arm*

Crow: You know they always say there's someone worse off I'M THAT PERSON!

The way he says it just makes me laugh!


After Kurt gets his arm ripped off, and is staggering up the stairs: "Oh! I stubbed my toe!"

Mike: "Look at that, the mask is just tied in the back."
Crow: "It's nothin' we haven't seen before, Mike."

"You had me kill my girlfriend so I could look at the closet?"
"It looks really nice....I got a new organizer and everything."

"Ha ha ha ha....have you seen 'Frankenhooker?'"

The Falcon flies


Bill: I'm Bill Cortner.
Servo: I'm a doctor. I want to lop off your head.

"She's finally the size 8 she always wanted to be."

Kurt: Women look at me and scream.
Mike: Then I show them my hand.


Kurt: What of her soul?!
Crow: It's in the car.

Kurt: You're making her an experiment of horror!
Mike: Shut up man! You're lucky my chick's here.

Tom Servo: It's nice and all, but I want something sleazy.

''Let's hop on the good foot and do the bad thing''


here are two that havent been mentioned that had me rolling on the floor laughing:

tom:i'm not even going to dignify that with an answer

crow (when the assistant hears the head talking to the monster):good they are making friends!


"She's trying to out someone who doesn't want to be outed!"
(thing is the closet)
