MovieChat Forums > The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) Discussion > But The Arrangement Is Pretty Special

But The Arrangement Is Pretty Special

I am totally blown away that there is not a standing message for this movie, because it certainly rates it.

This is one of those rare odditites that I can watch again and again and still enjoy time after time. Let's just say it holds a strange fascination for me and that it is greater than the sum of its parts.

Bad movie? No doubt about it. In many areas, "The Brain That Wouldn't Die" (hereafter referred to as TBTWD), is substandard. The sound recording quality at times is really murky (like it was "recorded in an empty warehouse", as one IMDb commenter described it). It has its continuity errors (witness the gloved hand of the brunette stripper soothing her freshly slapped cheek when in the frames before she had just removed said glove). You can even find a misplaced or twice-read line or two (review Doris' initial conversation with Dr. Bill, re: "the memory").

And of course there is the unbelievable dialog -- particularly between Kurt and Jan-In-The-Pan.

But you put all these things together, glued with that sleazily haunting jazz theme, and you get an addicting little brew.

At this point, I have probably watched this movie in excess of 50 times ---

and still come back for more.

There are so many little things that have struck me over time. I just wanted a place to unload them all, and to see if any of you out there feel the same way about the charms of this "Golden Turkey".

-- What is it that the background singers are verbalizing behind what my wife and I have come to call the "Hunting Theme", the call to sleazemeisters everywhere that plays over the strip club scene? I have seen some who interpret it as the phrase "Dig it!" -- maybe. I personally think they are saying "Gigi" in a hip, syncopated way. My favorite interpretation is "jiggy", but that is a bit anachronistic, wouldn't ya say? Anybody got a different idea?

-- The two ladies who play the strippers in TBTWD, Paula Maurice (the brunette) and Bonnie Sharee (the blonde), have intrigued me to the point that I have tried to find some site on the Internet that has more info on them. They evidently had no other screen experience, and one wonders if they were in fact exotic dancers that Joe Green picked up at local joints in the Tarrytown area. But, alas, I can find nothing. If anyone has a line on bio for these two "actresses", please give me a clue.

-- Having come up in the 50's and had a fixation on the wonderful cars of the last half of the decade, I have loved seeing the 1959 (the year the film was made) makes of Mercury and Ford in this film. Dr. Bill's black (well, it looks black in the movie) convertible Ford is really sweet.

-- For a movie made before the sixties, it really pushes the edge on sexy dialogue. There are some real beauts in it. Love it when Donna (the blonde Dr. Bill picks up on the street) says "I'll take whatever you perscribe." Through less than perfect teeth.

-- Virginia Leith, you gotta love her. Did she go into this with open eyes or what? It is to her credit that even after realizing what she had gotten into, she still gave it her all. What a great head she was. What a great portrayal of bitterness and genteel hostility.

-- Do ya think Eddie Carmel (playing the Pinhead in the Closet) was a little nervous in his big scene? He is noticeably shaking as he removes the little chunk of Dr. Bill's neck and after brief examination, tosses it to the floor. He was great though! Do you suppose he did the voice for the creature as well? Remember the scene where Dr. Bill complies with Kurt's plea to "look in the closet"?

-- One thing ya gotta say about Dr. Bill, he knows how to pick 'em. I personally thought Doris, played by Adele Lamont, was a knockout. Dark eyes and black hair, and a totally swell body! Yesirree.

-- Kurt's dying scene. Incredible! It takes him about two minutes to finally give it up, and he only figures out in the last few seconds that he could get his revenge and give Jan a good poke with his withered hand, but it's all too late. He should have been spurting blood like a lawn sprinkler from his "free" shoulder, but all you get in the atrium is a smudge on the front door. Check it out because when Doris starts wobbling around the set, the camera pans over the door in the exact plane that contains the smudge. And there should have been a pint of blood on the chair she plops down into.

-- The car crash scene is the height of economy. You don't see the car make contact with the guardrail and flip over for a couple of rolls, as it should have, but you see Jason Evers roll down the knoll apparently after-the-fact. Now exactly how, at least in this universe, could this have occured? But I thought the little package of broken glass, twisted metal, and unidentified but organic-looking liquid was quite effective in its cheesy way for portraying the wrecked car.

Well, hey, that's just a little to get us started. There is much more, but I will save it for later posts.

Anybody who would like to respond, I welcome. Are there others out there that are hooked on this like low-budget gem?

Well, let's hear from you!


my 'brain' review (with stills):


I'm a huge fan of this film, and it's one of my favourite B-movies, if not my favourite. I love the pinhead monster and I thought that Jan-In-The-Pan was a riot. TBTWD fan for life.

"Hail to the king baby."

My Movies


Great observations Squashpants !! I noticed all the same things. Just dusted this off and watched it a couple weeks ago and was struck by the resemblance of Jason Evers to british actor Toby Stephens ( Die Another Day ). Well, I'm a big Toby fan and it's all his fault that I'm now hooked on Jason Evers. Thankyou Toby !! I've got TBTWD next to my dvd player and I keep popping it in. Lost count how many times I've watched it lately...........and no sigh of stopping.<g>


Thought I'd revive the old thread that I used to frequent so often. Has anyone else here bought any of those 50 Movie Packs yet? I currently have 3, Chilling Classics, Horror Classics, and Tomb of Terror. I'm getting another one for Chirstmas, can't remember the name off the top of my head. These sets are great deals, especially if you love cheesy films like TBTWD. The newer 50 packs are more geared toward more recent cheesy indy films though from the 90s all the way up till 2008. I'm a huge fan of chessy b-movies though, no matter what time period they are from, so I still love the 50 packs anyway. Plus you get 50 movies for like $15-$20 so it's basically a steal.

"It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters." - Farmer Vincent "Motel Hell"


I have the Horror Classics. That's how I got hold of TBTWD. It's got some of my favorites, Killer Shrews, The Terror, Giant Hila Monster. But some are soooo bad I can't get thru them. I usually pull them out when there's nothing good on tv. Hundreds of channels and nothing but crap.....frequently. I do love old classic films !!


You sir just named quiet a few of my fav. films from the set. They are some true stinkers on there, no doubt, but they are also no doubt that the set was well worth its price. I'm looking forward to watching the new one I got for Christmas. I do love b-movies, especially the bad ones, as long as they aren't boring that is. I can handle bad, just can't handle boring. lol

"It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters." - Farmer Vincent "Motel Hell"


Actually, I'm more of a Ma'am. <G> Yep, been into horror and sci-fi since I was a kid. And just recently found out my sister likes them too. A sign of good genetics , I think.
Happy Holidays everyone !!


Oh sorry about that. Ya just never can tell online if one is a sir or ma'am. lol Happy holidays.

"It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent fritters." - Farmer Vincent "Motel Hell"


No worries. Always fun to talk to people that get it (the movie).


Hello, All. I am hoping that posting here will bring the thread back to the top of the board.

Sorry about dropping out of sight for so long. I kinda lost track of Brain and didn't watch it for the longest time.

It wasn't too long ago that I did watch it, in all its glory, once again, and the old feelings came back.

Then I just happened to visit this IMDb and this board again, and it was wonderful to read all the posts again.

I spend a lot of time on the Classic Horror Film Board, where I hold forth on all sorts of bad movies. And there is a thread there for TBTWD, and some very interesting info.

I will transfer some of it here -- that is if someone posts a reply to this post.

Gotta have an audience, y'know!


Tart (if you're still there), thanks very much.

I see that you have succumbed to the mysterious charms of TBTWD (well, at least you had back in late 2008). Once you have done so, you never are entirely free.

If I were able to, I would post a pic of Toby Stephens here for reference.

I see the resemblance, and you can be thankful to Mr. Stephens for piquing your interest in Brain.

There is no way to adequately represent the many wonderful aspects of the movie, although I have struggled mightily in the past.

Here's to many happy returns of experience.

