MovieChat Forums > Gidget (1959) Discussion > was it just me or...

was it just me or...

was it just me or did Gidget goes to ROme really suck? I loved the first movie and i even thought the girl who played the second Gidget was just as good as the first(in her own way of course) but the third one was terrible. Not to mention Moondoogie looked way to old for her and he as a complete moron. If you went to Rome with the man you were engaged to and he was all over your tour guide, would you come back with him? I'd like to challenge any woman who would, that's crazy. Not to mention the ages, in the first movie Gidget was 17 and the second was a year later, ok so she would be 18, then in the third it was a year later too and she was still 18, i am lost.


it's just you.............

no, I'm kidding! If I ever actually see the movie, I will tell you.

Might as well face it. You're addicted to love.


It wasn't just SUCKED. I've felt this was since I was 11 and first saw it. I shouldn't even be on the DVD.


I agree. "Gidget Goes To Rome" was incredibly disappointing. The girl who played Gidget was extremely immature for someone who is engaged and Moondoggie was, as you so accurately stated, a complete moron. I mean, the guy is engaged and what is the first thing he does when they are in Rome? He goes after some other chick and wants to marry HER!!! That is not like him at all and no woman in her right mind would accept him back.

The first Gidget is the best by far.


It was the worst in my book, but my roommate really liked the Rome movie the best.


Not to mention the ages, in the first movie Gidget was 17 and the second was a year later, ok so she would be 18, then in the third it was a year later too and she was still 18, i am lost

Hm...I was never confused. It always seemed to me that the second film tried to pick up just where the the first one left off. The way I saw it the first film took place during the summer before her senion year in high school. The second film took place during the school year. It wasn't summer yet but rather a school break. Then the third film took place during the summer after her senior year.

I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.


I liked it, I liked them all.


Actually, I think the second movie did take place during the summer. I just watched it this afternoon and in the scene where Gidget's father gets a wire from Jeff at the restaurant it was dated for August.


It's not just you.I liked the first and second Gidget movies but I couldn't stand the third one. It was boring and the girl playing Gidget was very bland in my opinion.


She became less and less opinionated and more and more dependent on anything Jeff would say! If she wasn't with him, it was like her life was nothing! He basically breaks up with her, attempts to get the tour guide, then when she turns him down, comes back to her going "hey, it's your lucky day, I'll take you back" and she just giggles and goes "oh Jeff!" Honestly? Could we pick a more weak girl and give her a more weak role as the lead?!

Loved the first one. Thought the second was cute. Rome was just a complete disappointment to me. It's like, they knew the second wasn't as good as the first, and knew the third couldn't be as good as the second, but they made it anyway hoping to catch the last strand of money the series could pull out.

If you can't spell it right, I can't take you seriously.


I remember the first time I saw Gidget. I loved it and Gidget Goes Hawaiian. But, you're right. Gidget Goes to Rome really stunk big time. I have all three. Gidget's summer reunion was okay except for the change in cast. The Gidget tv show was cool too with Sally Field. I think I saw Gidget Grows Up, but nothing was as bad as Gidget Goes to Rome.


Loved the first two, but I did not like the girl that played Gidget in the third one. She seemed too immature to play Gidget. Gidget has always been a tough cookie, more of a tom-girl....
As for the tv series.. I liked it, but I never saw much of it. I didn't even see the second one. But yeah. Not just you!



I disagree. You have to enjoy the movie just for the sheer bizareness of the plot.


You are so right! Moondoggie was such a jerk in 'Gidget Goes To Rome'. He totally disrespected Gidget and not to mention her feelings when he flirted and dated that tour guide right in front of her. I can only imagine what she must have been thinking at that time.
