Greenhouse scene. Nightmare.

I just watched this yesterday, and what I really liked about it was that it almost seemed like a bad dream. Its not really as realistic as people make it out to be. The scene with Jack Lemmon drinking in the green house, screaming and ranting as thunder clashes nearby is downright scary, and Edwards seemed to be looking for a more dreamlike effect than one of realism. Anyway I just thought I'd share and se if anyone else agreed.


There has rarely been thunder in San Francisco. Thats just the climate. So its

more dream than realism.


Maybe not as frequent as in some other areas, but thunderstorms *do* happen in the Bay Area.

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"


I am not sure if I qualify as an alcoholic or not...but I have my doubts about this scene as well. The fella already had PLENTY to drink. He should have had a lower tolerance, and His need for it would have been my opinion.

They should have set it up so they had only a very tiny amount, instead of the two bottles. In that case I would agree that a little sip would have led to a major hankering for a full on buzz.


Joe is so certain as to where he has hidden the bottle that it's a sure thing. You can feel his agitation then desperation as he forgets the number sequence. This bottle is very important to find and notice when he finally sees it sticking out of a broken pot he downs it never thinking about Kiersty. I hope Lemmon only had to do that scene once as it was very physical. As for needing another bottle after drinking two, an alcoholic needs as much alcohol as there is until he passes out.


"Janet"...I agree with you but it is an extreme case. This whole movie theme that alcoholics are "falling down drunk" in the streets and alley ways and jumping on beds in hysterical extreme. And it doesn't really do justice to the true problem of alcoholism.

Yes...I do indeed know well the hiding of it. That is true....but AFTER drinking the 2 bottles and being clean for so long is...again an extreme case. The two bottles would normally be enough after being clean that long.

I believe this is an INTENTIONAL tactic to make it MUCH more obvious to the viewer...dramatic effect...than it usually is. I believe and have experience with it doesn't take THAT much alcohol to do the damage. Again...not that it doesn't happen...just think they could have been a bit more subtle. Like I said...if they never had the full two bottles...but maybe a couple sips...I can full well understand the desperation and violence in finding the hidden bottle.


About 30 years ago, I went to a cousin's house and found his wife on the front porch crying. She said "X" had destroyed the living room, searching for a vial of coke he thought he'd hidden there. Sure enough, when I went inside, the living room looked like a tornado had hit it: the couch and chairs overturned, their cushions sliced open, all the books pulled out of the bookcase and spread across the floor, and the desk drawers emptied and on the floor. Turns out my cuz had hidden the vial in the bathroom, where I found him satiated and powdery-nostriled. Oh, and my cousin was extremely anti-alcohol, Would never even sip beer!
May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?
