MovieChat Forums > Tom Jones (1963) Discussion > This has got to be the worst movie ever ...

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar!

This has got to be the worst movie ever to win an oscar! What was the academy thinking??!


Cimarron in 1931 was a poor choice. And I find Out Of Africa to be a complete snorefest, much as I generally like Sydney Pollack's work.
I like Tom Jones; one of the few examples of a mainstream "bawdy" film, it's the last comedy to win, something that's long overdue to happen again.


Both "The Sting" and "Annie Hall" were comedies that won Best Picture, I agree with you about "Cimmeron" (although it's a fun movie).

Perhaps the criteria the Academy uses doesn't take just the quality of the film into consideration.

"I love corn!"



I thought Tom Jones was just okay. 6/10
I'd have to agree, although I haven't seen all the Best Picture winners. I've seen 24 of the 81, and Tom Jones was the worst so far...


well i havent seen this one yet, but i do seem to disagree with the Academy a lot; there's only a handful of best picture winners that actually deserved it. if i ever do see tom jones, i hope it'll be better than these best picture winners that i didnt like at all: west side story, amadeus, forrest gump, english patient, titanic, shakespeare in love, and gladiator.

some of the few that actually deserved best picture: casablanca, lawrence of arabia, ben-hur (i know people will disagree with me here, but damnit that was a great artistic achievement for that time), the godfather 1&2, schindler's list. there are others that could make that list but these were some of my favorites, plus there's a bunch i still havent seen.


I don't like this movie either. And, I didn't like the way animals were treated in it, especially the deer hunt scenes.


But . . . that's the way animals were treated in Fielding's time. A difference, I think, the film was trying to make clear. As you can also deduce from viewing this film, people weren't treated very well either. Gives a sense of time and place making the characters' attitudes and motivations easier to understand. No?


Not for me. The only movitation most of the people in this movie had was lust & drunkeness 99% of the movie. Showing harsh treatment of animals doesn't make the movie any better, even if it's to depict the callous attitude of the times, & only made me dislike the characters more.....not caring about any of them. The attempts at humour, I didn't find funny. If they had to make the movie mostly on the subject of the lack of sexual mores of the characters, it could've used a loveable imp like a Benny Hill in this. At least his comic lusting in his shows made you still like him.

It probably didn't help that I'm not a big fan of 17th-18th century based films anyway, with a few exceptions of the classics.....the best films of that time made in the 1930's.

Around the time Tom Jones came out, I think Anglophilia & things British were in, which must've helped this movie have so many awards or nominated for them. Gone with the Wind it ain't, LOL.


Watched Tom Jones last night on TCM. I have no idea how it won a Best Picture award. It was not even a very good movie. Main character was almost impossible to like. His loves interest's final reaction to him makes little sense. The Academy is a political group so I give no credence to it's decisions.


I don't care much for the Academy Awards either but -- this film is beautifully made and absolutely delightful!


if you mean to WIN BEST PICTURE Oscar I would disagree. That Honor goes to "OUT OF AFRICA" or "The Greatest SHow on Earth"


You're half right. Saw nothing especially praisworthy in "Out of Africa", but "The Greatest Show On Earth" is marvelous.


Well, it would be hard to pick the worst of the bunch, but you're kind of all right. While Out of Africa's win is mystifying b/c it is so bland, Tom Jones and The Greatest Show on Earth are both dreadful. Crash is pretty bad. In 30 or 40 years, I suspect people will regard it the same way we do Tom Jones and Greatest Show.


Well ... we don't ALL agree. "Greatest Show..." and "Tom Jones" are both wonderful films and more than deserving of their accolades. It's all pretty subjective though, isn't it?


If you mean the worst movie to win Best Picture at the Oscars, it would have to be "Crash" from what I've seen.

"I did cramps the way Meryl Streep did accents" - Calliope (Middlesex)


I've seen every Best Picture winner, except for The Life of Emile Zola. So that being said, the 10 worst are (in no order):

Shakespeare in Love
The Last Emperor
Out of Africa
Chariots of Fire
Annie Hall
The French Connection
My Fair Lady
Around the World in Eighty Days
How Green Was My Valley
I know what gold does to men's souls.



Oy. Such a soulless thought. I got my degree in film, have been a diligent student all my life, and cannot count the films I've seen, and I still put this in my top three.


Maybe it does not sceam, obvious Oscar winner.

The thing about the Best film Oscar, it does not always go to the big epics.

Its that man again!!
